Sunday, December 16, 2012
Rylie has gone Home
Yesterday we drove Gretchen and Rylie home to Minneapolis as dad (Josh ) is arriving today from Atlanta after being out in the swamps of the southern US since October diving into training for the Army. I am told he lost a lot of weight and yet passed the course. I hate having to share Rylie but I will not complain too much if it is to reunite her with daddy.
We drove home last night in pea soup fog for the last half. Ron asked me to magnify the navigation screen so he could tell where the curves were. For us "old foggies" it was like playing a video game with our car as the icon on the radio screen venturing down HWY 73. Ron grew up on these back roads from Neilsville to Rapids and he would say things like, "Well it is a straight shot now," and the navigation would blare a right angle approaching before we could see the road sign. Of course if there were any deer we would not have seen them either. Someone needs to invent navigation which shows wildlife! (I laugh at the thought of employing DNR to APP Bambi with "Find a Friend iPhones.)
Last night we came home to "Who needs a drink?', and "Sons of Anarchy" Tivo'd, and frankly fell fast asleep after the popcorn. The road trip was nerve wracking. . . as though "Sons of Anarchy" isn't! We have to still finish the season. . .and see the "Survivor" finale. . . as Gretchen wants us to tape something about the Bachelorette.
The Ruds plan to return here by mid week. I'd be ready if they come today.
So today we sit here with the New York Times (which I haven't opened), have already done my ninth day of consecutive "rowing" and I made egg salad sandwiches for brunch. It is so quiet the only noise is the hum of the ionizer. The snow is all gone thanks to yesterdays rain and fog and the flying squirrels were even un-hibernated last night as many peanuts were a float in in the feeders. Today the gray squirrels, who don't hibernate; are having a squirrel trapeze act as I type. Did I mention the Packer kick off is just minutes away. They hopefully will trounce on the Bears and my day will be happy cheesehead realized. If the Bears win Ron will mope. Ron is talking about Bloody Mary's with a win!
"Are you ready for Christmas Barb?" I have figured everyone out but Ron. He and Gretchen are working on an "Ideas from Colleen's Store." which I was actually sent to with Grrrr (and Rylie) to "window shoppe." last week. Then there are plans for a Birthday party with all in MSP and yesterday he took a look at accommodations in Maui for February. I have only gotten him two sweaters! I have only gotten him some cologne. . .but he has gone at this Christmas , birthday, and vacation thing like "gangbusters." Of course I am going "Be Surprised." I need to think of something amazing for Ron. Need to buy more Orville Redenbacher!
I am managing to get myself into trouble on Facebook speaking out about the senselessness of giving guns to psychotic or at least anti-social deviates. I just do not think the United States is dealing with preventing further annihilation of innocent children and teachers by saying we will always have these social deviants among us. I have always had guns in the home where I was raised and now too, but I could not kill even 20 squirrels in 20 minutes and I do not see why we promote violence in video games and let our children shoot to kill the video screen prn. I do not think the government needs to get more involved with the right to bear arms but I do think parents have to become proactive. We are not dealing with the problems when the people say, "Guns don't shoot people. . .people shoot guns," and then continue with life as usual.
Why are we allowing ,"Training Day" to become the "copy cat" acting-out variation of real life.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Merry Wisconsin Christmas and a Happy Minnesota New Year!
Plans for the holidays are not coming together for the family just as happens every year. I have Gretchen and Rylie to share the days. We have snow to add to the ambience. I have done some "gifting" . . . I just am not full of ideas. And frankly my holiday decorations are dishes, tablecloths, towels and snow globes. Cards are all posted from the home of Rudolph the red nose reindeer. Guess I am on track. Hurray!
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
New Tricks Old Post
Recent events of a couple four star generals, married madams, mingling mistresses, & The FBI and my rambling mind all came together last noc. ( I don't have a lot of time on my hands these call this pretty straightforward and simple!)
I was wondering how did the " middle aged delinquents" pull this off over the internet (?) and then I read in the Daily Wisconsin Rapids Tribune (AP, because without this the paper is still worthless), . . . "any computer savvy teenage knows if you set up a second gmail, yahoo, &/or a AOL email account all you have to do is just read drafts in your shared email account which you both (all) have "the login" too!
Well, I was never a JD so the thought of setting up a second email staggers my imagination and exceeds my ability. . .
It took me a few months to figure and make RJK121@ the was do able. I still think I am brilliant as the 1-2-1 is a variation of both birthdays.
But to set up a second e-mail tickles my "giggle" button and not my "illicit affair desire" button. And telling Ron we could privately communicated by building a new email account (perhaps calling it sounds like an alert to the FBI or at least a division of the pornograhy department. (I won't be getting a second email any time soon.)
But wait a minute and stop this bus(!!!) then it came to me that a lot of my "couple" friends do have just one email (
So now I am thinking I am really behind the trend and envy you all for all the fun you must be having reading hot & steamy drafts. Guess I was less congratulatory then, than now as I say, "Great Job. . .Keep it up!" as I remain young enuf to learn a new trick and boring enuf to not put it to practice.
P.S. I won't be checking any drafts any time soon @ RJK121!
Monday, October 22, 2012
ArGo and Airstreams
Argo By Ben Affleck, The Trailer
Flashback to San Antonio, November 27th 1979 and we are the proud parents of brand new Meaghan Marie and the hospital where she was born is under siege as the world knows the exiled Shah of Iran has been given asylum within its walls.
At the time it only meant inconvenience as I had to return for several days to follow up with some new born lab testing. Grandma Mary and Greg came along. Sitting in the waiting room I attempted to show off Greg's superior 21 month old brilliance and said, "Gregory what does the clock say?"
He loudly squwaked, "GOBBLE, GOBBLE."
This weekend when I soloed to "ArGo" I now realize I was the stupid one in the waiting room on that long, long ago and far, far away November day. "Argo" was without a doubt the most riveting movie I have seen and although it may be because I remember where I was when Kennedy was shot and where I was when the Gulf War was launched. Until Saturday October 20th 2012, I also didn't know what was happening when I was attempting to balance two children, my mother and the 1979 Wilford Hall hospital security.
(I do remember when the Iranian delegation found out they were being housed in the hospital locked-down psychiatric unit they immediately requested to be moved. Their next location would be nearer the Lackland AFB commissary.)
This past weekend when Ron ventured to northern Wisconsin with his posse " to be a "Boy Scout" of his usual "Eagle Scout" caliber and "tote that barge (dock) and lift that bail (posts)," I, the solo movie-goer which I will do on occasion; went to see what I had never really thought about again and learn what I never knew before.
RJ left with my blessing (and a fine body) and bottle of fine spirits and my strict instructions to not come home injured or in firmed. He fulfilled my request and I had a lovely invite to dine e'spanol . . .complete with Margaritas and fireside chattering.
RJ, made my day when he arrived back in time to see the Packers win which made his day!. It turned out we both had had adventures. Ron saw an old dilapidated Airstream this side of Wausau which he was ashamed & embarrassed for. . I saw one in "ArGo" which housed John Goodman which I wasn't.)
What a fine Sunday it turned out to be. I had made comfort food served for Ron with lots of ketchup. Ron briefly found the leaf blower, the hot tub is still hot and then a ride along country roads with the iPod blaring Dylan and the hand warmers on high. Scared up a ruffled grouse.
Lots of garlic. . sliced or crushed. (I am not much of a jarred garlic user.)
2. Chop carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, rutabaggie ( Iron Range thing, of course) add to the pot with tomato paste to your liking. Seasoning with pepper, cumin, nutmeg, thyme. . .I am avoiding Na Cl these days. (Sausage sneaks it in!) Dust with flour.
3. Add frozen vegetables from the frosted-over side of your freezer like, peas, pearl onions, etc. I couldn't find mushrooms or corn. If I had found them I would not have been able to cover with the top crust. This got really domed! Looked a bit like the movie "Encounters."
Smear unwhipped whipping cream over the top
4. Place it on a baking sheet cuz "mess potential is huge." Yes, it is a good idea to pierce the top crust!
Bake in store boughten refrigerated pie crust for an hour @ 375.
I hit the convection button cuz occasionally I want to impress myself and appear to look to my imaginary audience like I know what I am doing. (I DON"T)
Flashback to San Antonio, November 27th 1979 and we are the proud parents of brand new Meaghan Marie and the hospital where she was born is under siege as the world knows the exiled Shah of Iran has been given asylum within its walls.
At the time it only meant inconvenience as I had to return for several days to follow up with some new born lab testing. Grandma Mary and Greg came along. Sitting in the waiting room I attempted to show off Greg's superior 21 month old brilliance and said, "Gregory what does the clock say?"
He loudly squwaked, "GOBBLE, GOBBLE."
This weekend when I soloed to "ArGo" I now realize I was the stupid one in the waiting room on that long, long ago and far, far away November day. "Argo" was without a doubt the most riveting movie I have seen and although it may be because I remember where I was when Kennedy was shot and where I was when the Gulf War was launched. Until Saturday October 20th 2012, I also didn't know what was happening when I was attempting to balance two children, my mother and the 1979 Wilford Hall hospital security.
(I do remember when the Iranian delegation found out they were being housed in the hospital locked-down psychiatric unit they immediately requested to be moved. Their next location would be nearer the Lackland AFB commissary.)
This past weekend when Ron ventured to northern Wisconsin with his posse " to be a "Boy Scout" of his usual "Eagle Scout" caliber and "tote that barge (dock) and lift that bail (posts)," I, the solo movie-goer which I will do on occasion; went to see what I had never really thought about again and learn what I never knew before.
RJ left with my blessing (and a fine body) and bottle of fine spirits and my strict instructions to not come home injured or in firmed. He fulfilled my request and I had a lovely invite to dine e'spanol . . .complete with Margaritas and fireside chattering.
RJ, made my day when he arrived back in time to see the Packers win which made his day!. It turned out we both had had adventures. Ron saw an old dilapidated Airstream this side of Wausau which he was ashamed & embarrassed for. . I saw one in "ArGo" which housed John Goodman which I wasn't.)
What a fine Sunday it turned out to be. I had made comfort food served for Ron with lots of ketchup. Ron briefly found the leaf blower, the hot tub is still hot and then a ride along country roads with the iPod blaring Dylan and the hand warmers on high. Scared up a ruffled grouse.
Bab's Pastie Pie (#1 Rule: Raid your freezer)
1. Brown one finely chopped onion, olive oil, tender cubed steak and your favorite sausage. I used Italian cuz I wasn't spoiling this Sunday with a 10 mile trek to the store...both ways uphill!)Lots of garlic. . sliced or crushed. (I am not much of a jarred garlic user.)
2. Chop carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, rutabaggie ( Iron Range thing, of course) add to the pot with tomato paste to your liking. Seasoning with pepper, cumin, nutmeg, thyme. . .I am avoiding Na Cl these days. (Sausage sneaks it in!) Dust with flour.
3. Add frozen vegetables from the frosted-over side of your freezer like, peas, pearl onions, etc. I couldn't find mushrooms or corn. If I had found them I would not have been able to cover with the top crust. This got really domed! Looked a bit like the movie "Encounters."
Smear unwhipped whipping cream over the top
4. Place it on a baking sheet cuz "mess potential is huge." Yes, it is a good idea to pierce the top crust!
Bake in store boughten refrigerated pie crust for an hour @ 375.
I hit the convection button cuz occasionally I want to impress myself and appear to look to my imaginary audience like I know what I am doing. (I DON"T)
Yep, It was a Pastie Pie Vision!
Monday, September 17, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Birthday for Mel & Also my 100th Blog
Yesterday we took Melvin to dinner and celebrated his NINETY FOURTH birthday. He commented, "I am really old," as he blew the candle out on his favorite; pecan pie al a mode.
Mel has a lot of favorites when it comes to desserts. He took the double death chocolate cake home.
Ron invited Mel to the Packer's Game here Sunday. Ron and Mel have seen another season of Wisconsin Rapids Rafters Baseball and it just seems natural to now enjoy football. Television has been a big part of Mel's life this year too. Melvin got a new TV to replace the console model of the seventies. Actually, he now has a screen which you can see...besides all this news, he is predicting a Romney win.
Melvin broadly smiled and said, "It will be interesting."
Football Sunday here this weekend! I enjoy making a Sunday chicken cuz "my" men so enjoy eating. There is no pressure as my guests are easily pleased. I will add my grandfather's wild rice dressing, my friend Jean's cranberry sauce and Colleen's cranberry relish (if I remember to call them) as we live in cranberry country, sweet potatoes and possibly a rutabaggie. . . I made two Triple Layer Pumpkin Pies last weekend for the Duluthians so I will have to pull out my Julia Child...or buy chocolate. I love having a back-up plan! I anticipate a trip to Rudolph and the Wisconsin State Cheese Store is do able.
Barring any commentary on politics I did enjoy the Republican Convention over what I have seen of the Democrats. But keep in mind there was football on the screen last night so the coverage at 4457 isn't equal . . . The jury is still out on our "vote" verdict. Presently, however; I would guess I am sleeping with a republican. (Maybe.)
What has been the biggest change for us this year is what Ron did to the places we own in Duluth.
! !!!He sold one (actually gladly gave it away) and he is letting yours truly remodel the other! !!! The dust is still settling on the 'Sale of the Century in Congdon Park.' It ended a lot of chapters for us in The Kirschling Book of Lifelong Misadventures Does however end with "And they all lived happily ever after."
(Hope the IRS agrees!)
With no lack of style and a lot of humorous antidotes the place which remains, I have 'carte blanche' to remodel and will included a new non leaking toilet, soon to be metal roof, all new composite decks, docks, a "crossover" boat which will not be delivered until spring and (saving the best for last) Dish Network arrived this summer!
I gave RJ permission to "Dish," and Ron is in "plasma heaven!" Ron installed thousands of channels in Duluth. He can now watch and record to his heart's desire. He can "drink scotch whiskey all night long". . . watch the sunrise over the Island Lake Bridge and he can do this in surroundings which include no labor for him. I am required to remodeling with licensed contractors so he gets to relax." It is a great deal for all. He has never taken any pride in accomplishments gained with "man tools." Divorce was almost the result of tearing the indoor-outdoor carpet out of the sauna this August.". In his defense he needed a shovel as the carpet was so rotten. I got stung by a yellow jacket retrieving the equipment. Taking one for the team saved the marriage.
Ron was disappointed not to go to the driving range yesterday but plans are to make a five o'clock ish tee time today. Golf clubs are his only acceptable "man tools"!
He and Greg are reading through their "Top Ten Book Selections" for their second year now. Greg is hoping dad adds Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn (Greg had worked with Gillian at EW and speaks very fondly of her.) next year because Greg has already read this and Greg would have a head-start(I sent my copy of Gone Girl to "another" Gone Girl so next year we will again support author Gillian Flynn!)
Between episodes at the cabin of "Lizzard Lick" Greg has put me on an assortment of books by Ruth Reichl which means I can now read Gourmet Magazine with new enthusiasm and almost say "sommelier" if we ever return to Napa.
It was a fast, furious and ferociousness Summer of 2012. Lots more news to follow but for now I have to get permission from the off spring to brag them up and/or tell their news. I will go through all the proper channels. . . Keep in touch.
Mel has a lot of favorites when it comes to desserts. He took the double death chocolate cake home.
Ron invited Mel to the Packer's Game here Sunday. Ron and Mel have seen another season of Wisconsin Rapids Rafters Baseball and it just seems natural to now enjoy football. Television has been a big part of Mel's life this year too. Melvin got a new TV to replace the console model of the seventies. Actually, he now has a screen which you can see...besides all this news, he is predicting a Romney win.
Melvin broadly smiled and said, "It will be interesting."
Football Sunday here this weekend! I enjoy making a Sunday chicken cuz "my" men so enjoy eating. There is no pressure as my guests are easily pleased. I will add my grandfather's wild rice dressing, my friend Jean's cranberry sauce and Colleen's cranberry relish (if I remember to call them) as we live in cranberry country, sweet potatoes and possibly a rutabaggie. . . I made two Triple Layer Pumpkin Pies last weekend for the Duluthians so I will have to pull out my Julia Child...or buy chocolate. I love having a back-up plan! I anticipate a trip to Rudolph and the Wisconsin State Cheese Store is do able.
Barring any commentary on politics I did enjoy the Republican Convention over what I have seen of the Democrats. But keep in mind there was football on the screen last night so the coverage at 4457 isn't equal . . . The jury is still out on our "vote" verdict. Presently, however; I would guess I am sleeping with a republican. (Maybe.)
What has been the biggest change for us this year is what Ron did to the places we own in Duluth.
! !!!He sold one (actually gladly gave it away) and he is letting yours truly remodel the other! !!! The dust is still settling on the 'Sale of the Century in Congdon Park.' It ended a lot of chapters for us in The Kirschling Book of Lifelong Misadventures Does however end with "And they all lived happily ever after."
(Hope the IRS agrees!)
With no lack of style and a lot of humorous antidotes the place which remains, I have 'carte blanche' to remodel and will included a new non leaking toilet, soon to be metal roof, all new composite decks, docks, a "crossover" boat which will not be delivered until spring and (saving the best for last) Dish Network arrived this summer!
I gave RJ permission to "Dish," and Ron is in "plasma heaven!" Ron installed thousands of channels in Duluth. He can now watch and record to his heart's desire. He can "drink scotch whiskey all night long". . . watch the sunrise over the Island Lake Bridge and he can do this in surroundings which include no labor for him. I am required to remodeling with licensed contractors so he gets to relax." It is a great deal for all. He has never taken any pride in accomplishments gained with "man tools." Divorce was almost the result of tearing the indoor-outdoor carpet out of the sauna this August.". In his defense he needed a shovel as the carpet was so rotten. I got stung by a yellow jacket retrieving the equipment. Taking one for the team saved the marriage.
Ron was disappointed not to go to the driving range yesterday but plans are to make a five o'clock ish tee time today. Golf clubs are his only acceptable "man tools"!
He and Greg are reading through their "Top Ten Book Selections" for their second year now. Greg is hoping dad adds Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn (Greg had worked with Gillian at EW and speaks very fondly of her.) next year because Greg has already read this and Greg would have a head-start(I sent my copy of Gone Girl to "another" Gone Girl so next year we will again support author Gillian Flynn!)
Between episodes at the cabin of "Lizzard Lick" Greg has put me on an assortment of books by Ruth Reichl which means I can now read Gourmet Magazine with new enthusiasm and almost say "sommelier" if we ever return to Napa.
It was a fast, furious and ferociousness Summer of 2012. Lots more news to follow but for now I have to get permission from the off spring to brag them up and/or tell their news. I will go through all the proper channels. . . Keep in touch.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Steely Dan and Pumpkin PIe
Music to read By "Click This"
I am not a dessert girl.. . . My seazter Martha (of St. Charles, MO) is and encouraged me to bake this and it was AMAZING. I made a few mistakes and ended up ordering new pie tins from Williams Sonoma ($38.00 and I will be baking a lot of pies. . .NOT.) with two inch depth cuz my tinfoil ones were worthless ...even doubled!!! It didn't help that the finished pie (before baking) weighed in at two pounds of sloppy soup. And it did help to remember to place the unbaked pie in the bottom of my already in the preheated oven, broiling pan or it would have been a burnt oven mess: I would have sadly ended my Triple Layer Pumpkin Pie Adventure of 2012 before it started and you would not be reading my wisdom (LOL) now!
I am not a dessert girl.. . . My seazter Martha (of St. Charles, MO) is and encouraged me to bake this and it was AMAZING. I made a few mistakes and ended up ordering new pie tins from Williams Sonoma ($38.00 and I will be baking a lot of pies. . .NOT.) with two inch depth cuz my tinfoil ones were worthless ...even doubled!!! It didn't help that the finished pie (before baking) weighed in at two pounds of sloppy soup. And it did help to remember to place the unbaked pie in the bottom of my already in the preheated oven, broiling pan or it would have been a burnt oven mess: I would have sadly ended my Triple Layer Pumpkin Pie Adventure of 2012 before it started and you would not be reading my wisdom (LOL) now!
Make a Mental Note: Moving a loaded tinfoil pie plate into a hot oven will make you look like Lucille Ball and /or Ethel Mertz minus the laugh meter. (The dog doesn't count)
MARTHA SMITH'S TRIPLE LAYER PUMPKIN PIE (Yes, Martha Smith is my sister)
In a bowl combine:
1. 1 pkg 8 oz Cream Cheese (SOFTENING SURE HELPS THE PROCESS)
2. 1/3 C Sugar (I like the super fine Baker's Sugar)
3. 1 slightly beaten Egg
4. 1 t. Vanilla
and pour this in to an unbaked pie crust (From the dairy section works for me) and chill (refrigerate if it isn't below 40 degrees on your squirrel less porch today) while you move on to. . .
Step 2.
Combine and/or mix:
1 can (15 oz.) Pumpkin
+2 slightly beaten Eggs
+1 C Half and Half ( I am guessing Evaporated Milk may work here too.)
+3/4 C Sugar
+1 T (tablespoon) Pumpkin Spice. Or +, +, +, +... (Did you know Pumpkin Spice is Cinnamon (4 tsp), Ginger (2 tsp), Allspice (1 tsp) (Anybody know what's in Allspice?) + Nutmeg (1 tsp) ? and there are 3 tsps in one T. . .you do the math)
Pour this over "thee chilled above layer" and bake in 350* (preheated) oven for 55 minutes.)
Third layer is the
2 tsp Pumpkin Spice
1/2 C Brown Sugar
1/4 C Flour
1/4 C Old Fashioned Rolled Oats (Oatmeal if you are under 40 y/o)
1/4 C Butter salted or unsalted. (If you are under 30 y/o: Butter is made from cream . . .not sunflowers or cannola oil.)
Sprinkle this over the baked pie and return to oven (350*) for another 20 minutes or until you think it is toasty.
Bon Appetite!
(If you don't bake then Bon Jour?)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Christmas 1961 and then the class pictures...Finally Class
So the turkeys of the early 1960's cost $6.00.
I prefer to think we were Brownie pioneers: Among the first to send frozen poultry to anyone. I choose to believe we all remain "Humanitarians."
First Grade 1959-1960
Back Row: Paul Anderson, ?, Cassie Holmes, Diane ?, Sarah Jane Carlson, Lynn Erickson, Pamela Geary, Susie ("Tootie") Oliver
Nancy Voxland, Peter (twin)?, Debbie Gentilli, Peter Fleck, Laura Givens, Wendy Maki, Ricky (Dinosaur) Olson, Me, Mrs. "Kanervia" Anderson, Did she get all the King children in first grade?)
Steven Allen, ?, Bruce Nordling, ? (lived next door to Laura Givens), Richard Kinnenan, Steven Robillard.
Any corrections are a welcome addition to this rambling and out of context Blog. With the notification and the passing last week of Pam Sponnick I went walking down memory lane.
These pictures are over 50 years old! I amazed myself with how much I had remembered as someone who today seldom gets the names of her own offspring right and is on occasion mildly accused of forgetting to water the dogs and feed the plants. I have been accused of reading the same gothic romance the summer before. I would never brag I have the mind of a steel trap, but instead the trap of a steel mind.
Here's one I will make a little attempt to ID:
Julianna O'Grinc and Mary Ellen?
Christine Weiss, ?, Martha Rowell?. Theresa Lewandoski?
Mary Jane Paznonovich, ?, Janelle?. Michelle Klima, Arnette Lassilla (Guess)?
Sally Galbraith,.Margo Spehar, ?, Michelle Oakman, Joan Novak, Yours truly. ?.
?. ?.
MIA Mary Tuomi, Katie Hoffman, Kaye Anne Carlson,& Andrea Bradish to name a few.
Fast Forward to August 2012. . .As "Empty Nesters," We just returned from a two week hiatus to meet Rylie Jo (the first grandchild) in Missouri, visit 'the Smiths as in Mr. Smith (Martha and Girls) Goes to St. Louis,' and even spent some northern Minnesota time. These days I only get as far in to northern Minnesota as the Fredenberg Minnowette. Not being more frequent visitors of the Northland, I did not have enough hornet 'shooter" to hit all the paper nests of the not so elusive hornets. . .but one sting is not too too bad. Even if the "sucker" got me through my new, got it in MSP: GAP hoodie. I am too old to be wearing a hoody anyway. But still quick enuf to hose myself down with all his friends in attack mode!
And the hot tub is performing like "Ole Faithful ' in Yellowstone so I feel like I am still in Montana or places west. It is always an adventure returning to "Into the Woods." This morning I told Ron he could stay home and fix the tub...
"Only if you go see 20 people." he replied.
"Deal! But it will be "social," I said.
Instead, he breakfasted on 'nuts and berries. . . I steamed the wrinkles out of his jacket, using more water than steam; forcing him to wear another coat and called the "Maytag" repair man for the fourteenth time.
The Olympics of London came just in time to sync with Dish networks new 5235 channels. Ron has a love of sports, reading and "drinking fine scotch whiskey all night long so I call him Deacon Blue.. . " Then I made him clean and scrub the sauna. Vacation was officially over! Classy
Friday, July 13, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
July is for The Rest of the Family
I dedicated my last pictorial post to the person who most likely
stood behind the lens to take this picture, so it only seems fair I
create and equal opportunity moment for the
other members of my family sans Josh and Ron.
All four of these "handsome mugs" now belong to Ron and I.
This weekend Greg literally flew to a mountain top. . .dropped on banded (bended with a wrap, on this I am uncertain) knee and asked,. . . No! Not his sister,. . . No! Not his brother, No! Not the camera sister but the pretty women on his right to help him figure out the rest of his life emotionally, socially, spiritually and most importantly, financially. (Took you long enuf, son!)
The last request is kind of a joke because everyone who knows Greg knows he is not very "talkative" when it comes to $$$$. In fact, he hates to talk about two things: $$$$ and "meat eating."
Greg doesn't mind talking religion or politics or movies, book reviews, current events, geography, history, animals, minerals, vegetables (not meat) and/or the weather. . . but not $$$$.
And by the looks of this picture neither he nor his "FIANCEE"
(Oh, that has a nice ring!) drink much either.
(Don't let them fool you .)
And with a bit of luck and a lot of praying just perhaps in the weeks to come the guy on the upper left will have a new future in "finance" and because of the girl on the upper right I will be a Grand Ma Ma!
And then the "girl in Germania" will start grad school and/or come home to roost.
I am sounding a little mysterious because my kiddos moan and groan when I specify their M.O.s on the internet. So, I will simply state the material facts:
1. Greg's fiancee was better friends with Meg in high school then Greg. . . In fact
a. Greg turned her down in HS to a "Girl Ask Boy Event."
b. Both sets of parents are thrilled to death...
these two go together like "Peas and Carrots.
2. There is no date set for any wedding and Gretchen has
prepared me for their elopement!
3. Gretchen has also told me I am out of "Penny Talk" minutes
which certainly handicap her "social networking on a need
to know basis from Germania."
("Gretchen: Problem Solved!")
Congrats and Best Wishes and to all a "Goodnight iPad"
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Kirschling Kiddos' Request..Meg did asked for it!
For that matter give any Kirschling one and here we go!
Gregory is awaiting Santa and behaving
Meaghan the Daredevil
Gretchen taking a Sunday Drive
Meg's is a Mouse

Courtney, Katie, Meg, Lindsey, and Gregory T...Cousins forever!
Duluth MN a day at the cemetery!

Gretchen Arrives 10-10-84 @ 10 # 4 oz
But not before Meg and Greg sit down to cool off.
Gretchen seems distressed?
"We have been extra good this year, Santa.!" Greg hopes Santa is buying it.
Michael is blowing his cover, however
Easter Eggs for all in Biloxi. Mississippi
Of course a trip to the golf course can settle the nerves too.
( Looks like Gretchen is going to clobber someone soon! )
Fat Tuesday is for partying...Eat Drink and be naughty for tomorrow is Lent!
While Michael prays....Gretchen looks like she has some wretched Gretchen ideas
Meaghan the Daredevil
Gretchen taking a Sunday Drive
Michael on a Monday cruise
Meg's is Three
Meg's is a Mouse

Courtney, Katie, Meg, Lindsey, and Gregory T...Cousins forever!
Duluth MN a day at the cemetery!

Gretchen Arrives 10-10-84 @ 10 # 4 oz
But not before Meg and Greg sit down to cool off.
Barbara and Mary Ellen 1953
Virginia Minnesota
Gretchen's First Easter Rochester 1985
Michael would join the family in 1986 weighing in at 10# 5 oz. and finding great solace in the arms of his big sister.
"We have been extra good this year, Santa.!" Greg hopes Santa is buying it.
Michael is blowing his cover, however
Easter Eggs for all in Biloxi. Mississippi
Of course a trip to the golf course can settle the nerves too.
( Looks like Gretchen is going to clobber someone soon! )
Fat Tuesday is for partying...Eat Drink and be naughty for tomorrow is Lent!
While Michael prays....Gretchen looks like she has some wretched Gretchen ideas
Mom didn't show up again for the carpool... "Everybody hold hands" instructs Meg, "I'll get us a ride home
In the spring of 1887 Meg would bring home a lovely stray cat which dad named Snickers...and...
In the summer of 1987 Meg would be medic-evacuated from the home with "cat allergies."
(I lost my 1987 Mother of the Year nomination quickly (AGAIN!)
Gregry would become a card carrying Tree Hugger of Mississippi
Bayou Chapter 101
MJK and RJK would go to Greg's induction ceremony for Bayou Chapter 101 in full dress
The Kirschling Women would remain at home and butcher Jack-o-Lanterns
After serious psychiatric and dietary therapy the younger two would conquer "Lactose Tolerance"
The Kirschling Kiddos would become aquatic adventurers.
Michael was considering joining the Mississippi Fishermen's Association
Gregory would find a home on Park Point for a homeless little girl!
She would soon be mainstreamed into preschool
And her younger brother and sister
. . .
Would always look up to her and her older brother
She was literally always OUR HOMECOMING QUEEN!
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
May Day and Meaghan Marie
May Day Biloxi, Mississippi
A long time ago and a far place away the tradition of May Day was celebrated to spread joy to a selected few. We would do Dixie-cup May Baskets; complete with construction paper handles, fill them with M&M's and Jelly Beans (unwrapped of course) and head out before school to surrounding doorsteps.
I am proud to report I remain just as corny today. (And then along came Meaghan Marie!)
All of my children are fantastic!
Michael just called and he is still looking for a job but his latest idea is a fantastic one! He thanked me for the heads up on May Day and stated perhaps I "saved the day!" This makes my day cuz of course I am reading between the lines thinking Jackie may get a May Day Candy Bar! Moms cannot always 'grill" the boys as easily as they can "grill" the girls. After a weekend in Chicago Greg was looking forward to a Monday without "proposal" questions. Meaghan goes into detail in her Blog about "having something wrong with her that she isn't married..." and I am thinking Greg has the same missing "chip."
All of my children are fantastic....Today though, Meg rocks!
I had just read Meaghan's Blog when Gretchen called from Waynesville Missouri and I was "damning" Meaghan. Meaghan wrote a Blog which manage to reduce me to a puddle of tears and totally bring me to a place so friendly, familiar and fantastic I was crying. I just learned all tears stop you cold in your tracks. I cannot function until I absorb the depth and wealth of the moments expressed by our oldest daughter. For those few which are not too absorbed I will place a link...But be warned should you decide to read "Seester, Seester" you will have been bitten by the Meagster's bug and will need to read on to
MaMa (Miss) Meaghan. (Click on Meaghan's Blog)
Meaghan's Blog
Tell me how richer are you now that you have been touched by these Angels!
Spent last weekend in the Windy City enjoying the company of Ron, Greg and too Annelise. Greg took me to see the new movie just released "Bully" and it was a winner! It is not a "feel good' kind of picture but I think everyone should be required to see it! It is "life changing"....It is.
I took Greg and Ron to see Jersey Boys. (I had seen it before but this 'repeat' helped to erase all memory of days past!)
Greg treated us to a White Sox game but they fell to the Red Sox but not before we ate 100 pounds of peanuts, drank beer and ate nachos. (So much for sodium restricted diets!)
So much for any diets. . .
Just a few of our favorite and expanded dinners were feasts at:
Chicago Chop House Grill
Sabel Chicago
In my defense: Brought the bikes and made a 15 mile ride along the lake uneventfully. (Have yet to repeat this effort however. My excuses are I have to read. "The Ice Man Cometh."
Did I ever tell you that ALL the men in my life have always been "BIGGER than Life!" and remain so to this day!
Grampa King Wisconsin Dells 1950 something
A long time ago and a far place away the tradition of May Day was celebrated to spread joy to a selected few. We would do Dixie-cup May Baskets; complete with construction paper handles, fill them with M&M's and Jelly Beans (unwrapped of course) and head out before school to surrounding doorsteps.
I am proud to report I remain just as corny today. (And then along came Meaghan Marie!)
All of my children are fantastic!
Michael just called and he is still looking for a job but his latest idea is a fantastic one! He thanked me for the heads up on May Day and stated perhaps I "saved the day!" This makes my day cuz of course I am reading between the lines thinking Jackie may get a May Day Candy Bar! Moms cannot always 'grill" the boys as easily as they can "grill" the girls. After a weekend in Chicago Greg was looking forward to a Monday without "proposal" questions. Meaghan goes into detail in her Blog about "having something wrong with her that she isn't married..." and I am thinking Greg has the same missing "chip."
All of my children are fantastic....Today though, Meg rocks!
I had just read Meaghan's Blog when Gretchen called from Waynesville Missouri and I was "damning" Meaghan. Meaghan wrote a Blog which manage to reduce me to a puddle of tears and totally bring me to a place so friendly, familiar and fantastic I was crying. I just learned all tears stop you cold in your tracks. I cannot function until I absorb the depth and wealth of the moments expressed by our oldest daughter. For those few which are not too absorbed I will place a link...But be warned should you decide to read "Seester, Seester" you will have been bitten by the Meagster's bug and will need to read on to
MaMa (Miss) Meaghan. (Click on Meaghan's Blog)
Meaghan's Blog
Tell me how richer are you now that you have been touched by these Angels!
Spent last weekend in the Windy City enjoying the company of Ron, Greg and too Annelise. Greg took me to see the new movie just released "Bully" and it was a winner! It is not a "feel good' kind of picture but I think everyone should be required to see it! It is "life changing"....It is.
I took Greg and Ron to see Jersey Boys. (I had seen it before but this 'repeat' helped to erase all memory of days past!)
Greg treated us to a White Sox game but they fell to the Red Sox but not before we ate 100 pounds of peanuts, drank beer and ate nachos. (So much for sodium restricted diets!)
So much for any diets. . .
Just a few of our favorite and expanded dinners were feasts at:
Chicago Chop House Grill
Sabel Chicago
In my defense: Brought the bikes and made a 15 mile ride along the lake uneventfully. (Have yet to repeat this effort however. My excuses are I have to read. "The Ice Man Cometh."
Did I ever tell you that ALL the men in my life have always been "BIGGER than Life!" and remain so to this day!
Grampa King Wisconsin Dells 1950 something
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