Greetings and Felicitations and I have been a very busy girl. The garage floor is clean, the laundry room is painted (Adobe Straw) and shelved, this new front door is sealed with love 'n care, the zipper is fixed on Ron's rag top which he now gets to drive becuz last night a suicidal deer dove in to the grill...(of his truck not the Weber)...Well he won't be in Tundra company anytime soon. The repairs will hopefully be completed before the snow flies but past experience with Ironside Body Shop and the hail damage: I recall as being very slow. The good news is the deer is the only one who got hurt. We are fine. (I just realized there is a 'Hidden Picture' of the truck above just like those days of Highlights Magazine.)
And here I await the arrival of Greg soon to be a graduate student in Chicago. I and Ron are driving him to school today. Never thought I would be saying this about a 31 y/o! Seems he wants mom and dad to settle him into school again. Well this is a bit of an exaggeration.
And in the mail yesterday I got Volume One and Two of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. A gift from one darling and adorable husband who never says no to buying anybody a book. I won't let him tell me how much they were either and he can't believe they are not hard cover. I need to find an acrylic cover in order to do any kitchen prep. I'll have great ride to Chicago reading today. On the way to our destination dinner last night I hit a dove. I joked then if I were a true Julia "Groupie" I would recover the road kill and we'd eat roasted squab. No jokes about the deer and Julia does do a sauce for venison...This is not funny.
The reason for the travel last eve was dinner @1800. As the result of my one friend of four in this fine town we were introduced to this restaurant and it has become our treat in the fine points of dining. The food is simply amazing. We even got to sit at the Marc Chagall table. More amazing than the occasion was the fact Ron gave up the MN vs AFA football game. Minnesota won for Josh and Gretchen. Go Gopher Fans Go Go GO! Josh said he saw the new stadium last night. Germany is just too far away. I missed my kids.
Plans for this week include more new WEB page work, Oprah's interview of Whitney tomorrow and Tuesday and I am thinking of painting our bathroom a healthy dose of golden wheat. I think it would "pop" the place. And I have to talk to Meg cuz she is thinking of more amazing changes than Greg...And Greg just drove-in.
P.S. Greg and Ron watched football and the 'Open' all afternoon. Seems Greg will 'road trip' to Chicago in the a.m. solo. (Think he read my blog.) And we dined on Chop Suey and Limeade. The Pack is on so the rest of the eve will be football. Have a great week.