Well it is becoming more official that Meg will go to Germany and in fact has a reporting date. Gretchen and Josh are the luckiest cuz having Meaghan is a gift. Everyone knows this who knows her. Having her and Michael together in MSP has also taught Mich more about life than he knew as a college grad. Michael appreciates Meg now the same way he did in HS. (It is safe to say my kiddos are their own "best buddies.") Micheal will take over Bedford soon and told me today he has sites set for two roomates. He told me he also has a girlfriend as of this day. Her name starts with an A. There is a gathering planned soon for the holidays at Bedford. It is kinda a farewell to Meg as well as Dane and Joe and a housewarming for Mike and I got an invitation but have to defer. Think I will give Mich permission to buy some (root) beer.
I am winging this alone. Guess for a start I will jump in my car and pump up the Holiday Tunes...More Later....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Gobble Gobble
Today my Meg (well Ron's too) has a birthday and she called me to wish me a HB, I haven't bought her a Birthday present yet and so she is proving to be the smartest Kirschling kid ever. Can't ignore a girl who calls her mom when it is her BD. (Even considering Las Vegas next week)
Thanksgiving is two days away so I called Josh who is taking Gretchen to Paris for the weekend. I sent them a travel book when I found out. I am so envious cuz I would love to see Paris in the springtime...or in the fall...or any time at all... Meg saw Paris in high school, on a bus and was told, "there is were the Mona Lisa is but the bus isn't stopping so if you ever come back here you will know where it is." Meg tells the story much more humorously than I can...
So I HAVE A FRESH TURKEY IN THE COOLER ON THE BACK PORCH and am hopeful the raccoons don't come a calling. Ron has actually put his five iron back in the golf bag for the season.
This morning I got a load of firewood dumped in the drive and I am not telling my Thanksgiving guests. (No one reads this so my secret is safe here.) Excecise after the trypophan OD... Sometimes I amaze myself as to how clever I can be!
Bought Love a Kindle yesterday and I can't download anything as we live in the woods. But I did drive it by the hospital today and the signal bars were max. I am keeping it cuz he will never ever come home now. Last month he wouldn't even read his email on his cell phone and then he went to the corn fields of South Dakota and found out he could read the editorials in the Wall Street Journal on Fran's Kindle and he was hooked. Meantime he has discovered the ease of email on the cell phone and this week it is the ease of the New York Times Sunday. . . He was heard to remark, "damn the technology today is amazing." The part I like about the Kindle is his birthday is a week away so I am having a blast.
Most recently my GREAT White Hunter survived a pheasant hunting trip with the boys and didn't blow himself (or anyone else for that matter) up. I was amazed to hear he actually shot a bird! I have seven (7!) in the freezer which I was going to cook instead of a turkey but decided to hold out in case they were on the menu for the next 'hunters' event. I am anxious to see if the drumsticks of these pheasants got "de-tendon-ized".
So all that's left is the menu for Thanksgiving and the Packer Game. It is very important we eat at halftime or at games end. As always the rutabaggies are the most important and none of the offspring will eat them or any description of a jello mold. I have given up on the jello but not the rutabaggies. I cannot look at a rutabaggie without hearing my mother say, "We used to slop the hogs with 'em." Guess my kids do remember Grandma Mary.
The pecans are beautiful this year so I am baking a pecan pie tonight and pumpkin pudding. Greg got a Chicago bus ticket to the Dells tomorrow and we pick him up at 8 p.m. Sure cuts into my prep time.
Not to feel too sorry for me I am robbing Ron and stopping at Tanger to shop for a turkey roaster and a 'sea- food' boiler for Saturday's festivities. Thanks to a past housekeeper in Biloxi I can mix a mean gumbo complete with liquid napam...i.e., Prudhomme Roux (Guess I will be checking out Harry and Davids too)
No Snow this Thanksgiving infact the deer hunters are having their deer walk to the processing plants as it has been so warm. Becuz the coyote and wolf packs are thriving the deer counts are down I am told. However the cranberries are the best. . .reminds me, I have to bake a cranberry cake for my 56 y/o 'better half'.
Here is hoping your Turkey Day is full of family, fun and flavor. I refuse to participate in Black Friday.
Wisconsin Rapids doesn't have a Target so the 4 a.m. was never an issue anyway. If I am awake at 4 it will be to read Ron's not-yet-delivered BD present.
Thanksgiving is two days away so I called Josh who is taking Gretchen to Paris for the weekend. I sent them a travel book when I found out. I am so envious cuz I would love to see Paris in the springtime...or in the fall...or any time at all... Meg saw Paris in high school, on a bus and was told, "there is were the Mona Lisa is but the bus isn't stopping so if you ever come back here you will know where it is." Meg tells the story much more humorously than I can...
So I HAVE A FRESH TURKEY IN THE COOLER ON THE BACK PORCH and am hopeful the raccoons don't come a calling. Ron has actually put his five iron back in the golf bag for the season.
This morning I got a load of firewood dumped in the drive and I am not telling my Thanksgiving guests. (No one reads this so my secret is safe here.) Excecise after the trypophan OD... Sometimes I amaze myself as to how clever I can be!
Bought Love a Kindle yesterday and I can't download anything as we live in the woods. But I did drive it by the hospital today and the signal bars were max. I am keeping it cuz he will never ever come home now. Last month he wouldn't even read his email on his cell phone and then he went to the corn fields of South Dakota and found out he could read the editorials in the Wall Street Journal on Fran's Kindle and he was hooked. Meantime he has discovered the ease of email on the cell phone and this week it is the ease of the New York Times Sunday. . . He was heard to remark, "damn the technology today is amazing." The part I like about the Kindle is his birthday is a week away so I am having a blast.
Most recently my GREAT White Hunter survived a pheasant hunting trip with the boys and didn't blow himself (or anyone else for that matter) up. I was amazed to hear he actually shot a bird! I have seven (7!) in the freezer which I was going to cook instead of a turkey but decided to hold out in case they were on the menu for the next 'hunters' event. I am anxious to see if the drumsticks of these pheasants got "de-tendon-ized".
So all that's left is the menu for Thanksgiving and the Packer Game. It is very important we eat at halftime or at games end. As always the rutabaggies are the most important and none of the offspring will eat them or any description of a jello mold. I have given up on the jello but not the rutabaggies. I cannot look at a rutabaggie without hearing my mother say, "We used to slop the hogs with 'em." Guess my kids do remember Grandma Mary.
The pecans are beautiful this year so I am baking a pecan pie tonight and pumpkin pudding. Greg got a Chicago bus ticket to the Dells tomorrow and we pick him up at 8 p.m. Sure cuts into my prep time.
Not to feel too sorry for me I am robbing Ron and stopping at Tanger to shop for a turkey roaster and a 'sea- food' boiler for Saturday's festivities. Thanks to a past housekeeper in Biloxi I can mix a mean gumbo complete with liquid napam...i.e., Prudhomme Roux (Guess I will be checking out Harry and Davids too)
No Snow this Thanksgiving infact the deer hunters are having their deer walk to the processing plants as it has been so warm. Becuz the coyote and wolf packs are thriving the deer counts are down I am told. However the cranberries are the best. . .reminds me, I have to bake a cranberry cake for my 56 y/o 'better half'.
Here is hoping your Turkey Day is full of family, fun and flavor. I refuse to participate in Black Friday.
Wisconsin Rapids doesn't have a Target so the 4 a.m. was never an issue anyway. If I am awake at 4 it will be to read Ron's not-yet-delivered BD present.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Germany has Gretchen and soon
So we aren't home from Germany for one month and Meg has decided to join Gretch and Josh in the "hills of Baumholder." I am excited for Germany, the kids, the opportunity but sad for yours truly... I have been a little teary and Ron is wondering if I am having feelings of abandonement from Meg. "No Einstein," I am glad for Meg but this mom is sad Meg will no longer be just three hours and fifteen minutes away in MSP. I know I have Skipe, e-mail, 2 cents a minute calling and even $29.00/unlimited a month long distance phone plan to Germany but as it stands now Gretchen never answers her phone. So consequently I am going to have to resort to talking to the boys and hence I am "bawling." I just don't like to talk to men: even Kirschling men: even though I have instilled in them patience, wisdom, consideration, carefulness and sensitivity; no one talks to me like the girls. Okay, Gretchen is still in the developemental stages of a newly married 25 y/o and learning, but for "crying out loud": Meg is my junior Anne Landers, Dear Abby, Emily Post, and infact she would out shine Gail King (This coming from another King girl) especially since she wouldn't try to sing on the radio. (Gail, you need to "Shut your pie hole" When you try to sing along with your guests you sound like a chorus of 'fingernails on a chalk board.' Gail, you are ruining all potential "cougar" possibilities and I am not a guy. "Cougar" or not..."Shut-up!")
There... like that is going anywhere.
Meg has an opportunity to work in Germany as a Chiropractor maybe in the same building as her sis. I think, better yet; the Halo Blue Mini Cooper Convertible may be in her sites. It certainly was 'a fun looking ride' all shiny and new on the German show room floor. YIKES! I wanna ride.
There... like that is going anywhere.
Meg has an opportunity to work in Germany as a Chiropractor maybe in the same building as her sis. I think, better yet; the Halo Blue Mini Cooper Convertible may be in her sites. It certainly was 'a fun looking ride' all shiny and new on the German show room floor. YIKES! I wanna ride.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Been to Germany
Last week was spent visiting Gretchen and Josh in Germany. We traveled, we ate, we drank and we had a blast. I have to organize my thoughts and Blog more soon. But first I have to conquer my jet lag and clean the dust bunnies at home. I miss those little Sh__.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fall is in the Air
There was frost on the pumpkin yesterday morning. Ron and I got home from Island Lake at 9:30 the night before. It is always nice to heat the sauna to 165 and watch Ron perspire from the dressing room. (I am not a fan of anything much hotter than 105.) No one jumped in the lake. It was blusterly and the lake is not warm anymore. And we are not Finnish! Good news is it doesn't have "green growth" either. It is northern MN. . .soon there will be ice-on-the-pond. Unlike around here the ice will be white.
Even had to turn on the furnace upon arriving home and at 3a.m. I was up as the house was 165. I turned down the thermostats and opened the windows while Ron blissfully slept. No need to wake 'the mechanically challenged.' After I figure out the overheating hot tub I will address the furnace. I shouldn't make it sound like I am figuring out anything...I called Steve to the rescue like any self respecting, checkbook caring home Frau would.
Ron took Meg to a Functional Medicine conference last week (Baltimore) and I painted the bathroom. It is pretty dramatic being the colors of baby waste and mold. Meg and Ron inspired me as they said other than doing nothing, the easiest thing to do would be "the same brown as the laundry room." "Easy" just didn't seem too inspiring and today the paint stores, or Home Depot in this case; put complimentary colors which I would never think of on the same color card and then charge you $36.00 a gallon to get down and dirty. If I were to do-it-again I would buy cheaper paint. Still took two coats and a chiropractic adjustment. (And that person was with Ron on the east coast sucking oysters and eating Butter fish at Roy's Hawaiian Fusion, when not conferring 7 to 7.)
The length of their day is why I decided to stay here. Can Baltimore be toured 12 hours a day for five days? Can my bath be painted in the same time? I know the answer to the second question is "almost". I still have to seal the tile and grout. Projects always grow proportionally to new discovery.
I stopped yesterday to check the progress on the deer destroyed front end of the truck. Sure am glad there are people who know how to put things back together. Don't know the childhood life of my darling adorable husband but I am convinced it was his mother who probably kept him on track to Eagle Scout. Those merit badges requiring more than reading and research had to be challenging. Glad he doesn't have to put his own truck back together. . .the grill would look fine in the bed.
Shouldn't make Ron the brunt of my humor. I do know he is mechanically challenged while being constantly adorable.
Even had to turn on the furnace upon arriving home and at 3a.m. I was up as the house was 165. I turned down the thermostats and opened the windows while Ron blissfully slept. No need to wake 'the mechanically challenged.' After I figure out the overheating hot tub I will address the furnace. I shouldn't make it sound like I am figuring out anything...I called Steve to the rescue like any self respecting, checkbook caring home Frau would.
Ron took Meg to a Functional Medicine conference last week (Baltimore) and I painted the bathroom. It is pretty dramatic being the colors of baby waste and mold. Meg and Ron inspired me as they said other than doing nothing, the easiest thing to do would be "the same brown as the laundry room." "Easy" just didn't seem too inspiring and today the paint stores, or Home Depot in this case; put complimentary colors which I would never think of on the same color card and then charge you $36.00 a gallon to get down and dirty. If I were to do-it-again I would buy cheaper paint. Still took two coats and a chiropractic adjustment. (And that person was with Ron on the east coast sucking oysters and eating Butter fish at Roy's Hawaiian Fusion, when not conferring 7 to 7.)
The length of their day is why I decided to stay here. Can Baltimore be toured 12 hours a day for five days? Can my bath be painted in the same time? I know the answer to the second question is "almost". I still have to seal the tile and grout. Projects always grow proportionally to new discovery.
I stopped yesterday to check the progress on the deer destroyed front end of the truck. Sure am glad there are people who know how to put things back together. Don't know the childhood life of my darling adorable husband but I am convinced it was his mother who probably kept him on track to Eagle Scout. Those merit badges requiring more than reading and research had to be challenging. Glad he doesn't have to put his own truck back together. . .the grill would look fine in the bed.
Shouldn't make Ron the brunt of my humor. I do know he is mechanically challenged while being constantly adorable.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Resued Wisconsin Cuckoo Bird By Babs
Cool Facts
- Like the Black-billed Cuckoo, the young Yellow-billed Cuckoo develops incredibly quickly. The entire period from egg laying to fledgling leaving the nest lasts only 17 days. On day six or seven after hatching, the feathers of the young burst out of their sheaths, allowing the nestling to become fully feathered in two hours.
- Both parents build the nest, incubate the eggs, and brood the nestlings. They incubate and brood equally during the day, but the male takes the night shift. The male brings nest material every time he comes to the nest to take his turn. The female usually takes the offering and works it into the nest.
- Although the Yellow-billed Cuckoo usually raises its own young, occasionally it will lay its egg in the nest of another cuckoo, or even that of a different species. It has laid eggs in the nest of at least 11 different birds, most commonly in the nest of the Black-billed Cuckoo, American Robin, Gray Catbird, or Wood Thrush. The Yellow-billed Cuckoo may itself be the inadvertent host for an egg of a Black-billed Cuckoo or Brown-headed Cowbird.
I simply amaze myself sometimes!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday with Momio
And here I await the arrival of Greg soon to be a graduate student in Chicago. I and Ron are driving him to school today. Never thought I would be saying this about a 31 y/o! Seems he wants mom and dad to settle him into school again. Well this is a bit of an exaggeration.
And in the mail yesterday I got Volume One and Two of Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking. A gift from one darling and adorable husband who never says no to buying anybody a book. I won't let him tell me how much they were either and he can't believe they are not hard cover. I need to find an acrylic cover in order to do any kitchen prep. I'll have great ride to Chicago reading today. On the way to our destination dinner last night I hit a dove. I joked then if I were a true Julia "Groupie" I would recover the road kill and we'd eat roasted squab. No jokes about the deer and Julia does do a sauce for venison...This is not funny.
The reason for the travel last eve was dinner @1800. As the result of my one friend of four in this fine town we were introduced to this restaurant and it has become our treat in the fine points of dining. The food is simply amazing. We even got to sit at the Marc Chagall table. More amazing than the occasion was the fact Ron gave up the MN vs AFA football game. Minnesota won for Josh and Gretchen. Go Gopher Fans Go Go GO! Josh said he saw the new stadium last night. Germany is just too far away. I missed my kids.
Plans for this week include more new WEB page work, Oprah's interview of Whitney tomorrow and Tuesday and I am thinking of painting our bathroom a healthy dose of golden wheat. I think it would "pop" the place. And I have to talk to Meg cuz she is thinking of more amazing changes than Greg...And Greg just drove-in.
P.S. Greg and Ron watched football and the 'Open' all afternoon. Seems Greg will 'road trip' to Chicago in the a.m. solo. (Think he read my blog.) And we dined on Chop Suey and Limeade. The Pack is on so the rest of the eve will be football. Have a great week.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Not often I think 'Pancakes' but today I was thinking Buckwheat -Chocolate-Raspberry and I was thinking PANCAKES? Yum.
Hope you can read the fine print too. Of course I will be lacking and not sending the directions but these directions were really lame. . .included heating the plates, turning the girdle to 375 degrees and warming the oven to 200 degrees. Wasted directions...Add the dry ingredients together first...blah, blah, blah.
I will be making these for Ron fairly soon. He cleaned MY house Saturday. I suppose it is his house too but VOILA. And it was cleaned by his truly. Didn't ask, didn't hint I just came to the office where the phones didn't ring on Saturday and he cleaned. Sunday he mowed, killed weeds and walked the dogs too. I made him a phyllo pizza and next I will do the buckwheat pancakes. I cannot believe he cleaned MY house. I guess his Smack Air Force Academy Saturday Drills kicked in. He cleaned: Dad came over for the Packer Game and dinner was grilled veggies. . . Dessert was raspberry pie which he didn't make because he doesn't know where the oven is...in all fairness I bought the pie and ice cream at the IGA. Went to this particular store cuz beef tenderloin is $3.99 a pound. There are real perks to living in the cow belt. Happy Cows better stay in California. Happy people live in Wisconsin.
And the Packers looked great or so I am told. I was in the kitchen reading Baking with Julia
I finished Julia, ordered her first two FRENCH COOKING volumes and I got this. Pretty amazing how these things work. I would recommend Julia Child's in France.
I am going to sound like the "Book Worm of the Weekend" but I finished "The 50 Rules Kids Don't Learn in School" this weekend and I LOL. This Sykes guy is good. And I learned what schadenfreude is. Who Knew? WWW.The50rules.com
So I am keeping Mr. Merry Maid and vowing to not complain about anything he does for the remainder of today anyway. (He has a few Golden Coupons lined up actually.) Ron cleaned my house! Okay, OUR house... Our home?

I will be making these for Ron fairly soon. He cleaned MY house Saturday. I suppose it is his house too but VOILA. And it was cleaned by his truly. Didn't ask, didn't hint I just came to the office where the phones didn't ring on Saturday and he cleaned. Sunday he mowed, killed weeds and walked the dogs too. I made him a phyllo pizza and next I will do the buckwheat pancakes. I cannot believe he cleaned MY house. I guess his Smack Air Force Academy Saturday Drills kicked in. He cleaned: Dad came over for the Packer Game and dinner was grilled veggies. . . Dessert was raspberry pie which he didn't make because he doesn't know where the oven is...in all fairness I bought the pie and ice cream at the IGA. Went to this particular store cuz beef tenderloin is $3.99 a pound. There are real perks to living in the cow belt. Happy Cows better stay in California. Happy people live in Wisconsin.
And the Packers looked great or so I am told. I was in the kitchen reading Baking with Julia
I finished Julia, ordered her first two FRENCH COOKING volumes and I got this. Pretty amazing how these things work. I would recommend Julia Child's in France.
I am going to sound like the "Book Worm of the Weekend" but I finished "The 50 Rules Kids Don't Learn in School" this weekend and I LOL. This Sykes guy is good. And I learned what schadenfreude is. Who Knew? WWW.The50rules.com
So I am keeping Mr. Merry Maid and vowing to not complain about anything he does for the remainder of today anyway. (He has a few Golden Coupons lined up actually.) Ron cleaned my house! Okay, OUR house... Our home?
Friday, July 31, 2009
Friday the 31st
I am thinking I need to head to Stevens Point today as Ron has some new clothes ordered which have arrived. Up until two weeks ago I was Land's Ends client but they decided to diminish their production of men's sports coats in a 46L (Go Figure in this enconomy) so I was forced to google "Mens clothiers and Steven's Point'. VOILA I am waitng for Melvin to have his house cleaned so we can got to the State Cheese Factory in Rudolph, and then take the back roads for a field trip to Stevens Point. ROAD TRIP
The good news is one of Ron's legs is not longer than the other. Originally I brought him home two pair of pants from Point...Pinned one for hemming and the seamstress called Ron to tell him he had one leg longer than the other according to the way his wife pinned his pants. Can you imagine how well he didn't take the news? (I can't make up shit funnier than this) I had to remind him I was sitting on the floor...He had his hands in his pockets and the shoes where almost on. I had to confess to not doing an adequate job and should have only marked one leg not two. With regards to the clothier and the seamstress Ron's schedule doesn't permit a personal fitting. If the jackets aren't exactly right he will never know. Keeping him presentable is my job and frankly I love shopping for men's clothes. It is just my usual is TJ MAX...who doesn't love a bargain?
The good news is one of Ron's legs is not longer than the other. Originally I brought him home two pair of pants from Point...Pinned one for hemming and the seamstress called Ron to tell him he had one leg longer than the other according to the way his wife pinned his pants. Can you imagine how well he didn't take the news? (I can't make up shit funnier than this) I had to remind him I was sitting on the floor...He had his hands in his pockets and the shoes where almost on. I had to confess to not doing an adequate job and should have only marked one leg not two. With regards to the clothier and the seamstress Ron's schedule doesn't permit a personal fitting. If the jackets aren't exactly right he will never know. Keeping him presentable is my job and frankly I love shopping for men's clothes. It is just my usual is TJ MAX...who doesn't love a bargain?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Chip in for Health Care...M I stupid?
So today I was just thinking about how I could "bug " the offspring and across my e-mail came the latest from Mitch Stewart of President Barak Obama.com. Mitch wants me to sign up to donate one dollar ($1.00) everday for the next 30 days to show "Congress and the insurance companies that our support of President Obama is earnest." And here's the clincher: It reads, "We'll bill your credit card for 30 day's worth of donations now and once a month until the President signs real health insurance reform into law."
My first thought was poor Hillary Clinton missed the boat on this great idea!@#$%!!!
My second thought was why do the insurance companies need to be shown our earnest. I have had health coverage since a nursing student and is it because the hospitals want to be paid when their employees use employers' facilities. I had Champus (Military-Service insurance) when we were in the Air Force and I was a dependent wife with four babies and never did Champus loose money whether my children were born two in civilian hospitals (Greg and Gretchen), and two in military hospitals (Meg and Michael). Health insurance companies are for profit!
Health insurance companies are advertising on my TV every day to offer new policy services. It is the pre-existing clause which needs to be eliminated. Civilian (Not Champus) insurance companies can cancel and deny to pay using this huge loop hole. In otherwords, develope a chronic condition of aging like diabetis, cancer, cardiac anonomolies and "PUFF" up in smoke goes your coverage. Up in smoke also goes coverage forever if your child is diagnosed with a terminal or chronic illness. Ask my friends in San Antonio who could never leave the military as their daughter was a childhood asthmatic and their son was a child leukemia surviver. YIKES
(If enuf peole get suck'd into Mitch Stewart's latest "ponzi" scheme does this mean when Stewart doesn't have to serve jail time for not accounting for your $30.00 every month which will amount to billions that also the rich will not be taxed for the Health Care reform? Where is this money going? Lobbiests?)
This is not a rumor like Fauve and the Vikings. This is actually on Baracks web site. (I have been watching the site since I voted for him.)
Check out https://barackobama.com/dollar
This is a tactic to raise money for who? Not you, me, or someone who has been recently insurance cancelled.
This is money without earmarks like maybe for Obama's dog getting to Hawaii?
Well guess I now have time to bug the offspring.
My first thought was poor Hillary Clinton missed the boat on this great idea!@#$%!!!
My second thought was why do the insurance companies need to be shown our earnest. I have had health coverage since a nursing student and is it because the hospitals want to be paid when their employees use employers' facilities. I had Champus (Military-Service insurance) when we were in the Air Force and I was a dependent wife with four babies and never did Champus loose money whether my children were born two in civilian hospitals (Greg and Gretchen), and two in military hospitals (Meg and Michael). Health insurance companies are for profit!
Health insurance companies are advertising on my TV every day to offer new policy services. It is the pre-existing clause which needs to be eliminated. Civilian (Not Champus) insurance companies can cancel and deny to pay using this huge loop hole. In otherwords, develope a chronic condition of aging like diabetis, cancer, cardiac anonomolies and "PUFF" up in smoke goes your coverage. Up in smoke also goes coverage forever if your child is diagnosed with a terminal or chronic illness. Ask my friends in San Antonio who could never leave the military as their daughter was a childhood asthmatic and their son was a child leukemia surviver. YIKES
(If enuf peole get suck'd into Mitch Stewart's latest "ponzi" scheme does this mean when Stewart doesn't have to serve jail time for not accounting for your $30.00 every month which will amount to billions that also the rich will not be taxed for the Health Care reform? Where is this money going? Lobbiests?)
This is not a rumor like Fauve and the Vikings. This is actually on Baracks web site. (I have been watching the site since I voted for him.)
Check out https://barackobama.com/dollar
This is a tactic to raise money for who? Not you, me, or someone who has been recently insurance cancelled.
This is money without earmarks like maybe for Obama's dog getting to Hawaii?
Well guess I now have time to bug the offspring.
Monday, July 27, 2009
August is almost Here!

On Sunday Ron took me to church at St. Mary of Mount Carmel in Amherst and it was the most amazed I have ever been in church. (Wedding included). The church is in the middle of rolling farm fields and the architecture is Roman Gothic. I cannot do it justice with my mere words. After church the rectory's housekeeper, Rita; gave us a walking tour of the Saints in statues and pictures but not until she covered her head. I was Ron's guest as an unofficial member of his Bible Study Group which is soon to start his third year in the fall. After mass which did include an amazing sermon as well as scenery; we went to The Stone Lion in Custer, Wisconsin. Here I had an Irish Pizza complete with toppings of Mash Potatoes, Corn Beef, Sauerkraut and pesto. (I even managed to drool Guinness gravy down my shirt for the entire meal.) Give me an "All Man's Weekend" anytime.
And if you can't drink Guinness after church why not wear it!
The picture is of the Roosters in my kitchen which I thought one was a "Chicken". (I am so amazed at my silliness.) I thought about showing you all my hokey window shades but maybe next week. They are so ugly Ron has given me full reign of the check book to replace them with Hunter Douglas Pirourettes. (Of course they will cut out the glare on the Packers. And the scoop is Brett Fauve bought a condo in Minneapolis and the Vikings agreed on 10 million...and you thought this blog was boring...)
My Flying Squirrels are a colony now. Last night we counted ten. I also bought a Flip camera. The light is too low to film squirrel antics at night. It does appear to be raining squirrels out there some nights. Watch out as soon I will post my night video to UTube. Just have to grasp the "learning curve" as to the process...and buy some flood lights with motion detectors. (Sounds like Ron better reopen the bank account doesn't it?)
The raccoon count is now at five captured and one free. And before anyone gets too excited they are on 'the live trap and release program.' And I did release Bushy the squirrel and Tweetie the pine siskin. (The pine siskin actually got trapped in the sunflower seed basket feeder.)
Well for those of you that have read this far I am amazed it is August 2009 on Saturday. When I was young summer was never long enough and so is the drill this year.
We are planning to visit Gretchen and Josh but Gretchen wants us to fly to Ireland when we get there. I am trying to plead the case that I have never been to Germany. Yikes, she immediately shot back I have never been to Ireland either. Like everyone in the Kirschling lineage...There isn't a dull moment...and or blog.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I am still waiting for AA... Triple A jumped my car! AA is still unavailable. Guess no one reads my Blog, Huh?
Well it was "date nite" last night and Dad took me to Christian's Bistro in Plover and dinner was amazing. The martinis were sipped with six cheeses and the wine with dinner was extraordinaire. We actually spent almost three hours at dinner. We even went Creme Brule' for dessert.
As an old married couple of 34 years we talked a little about what bugged us about the other. I came up with "I eat alone every night cuz I can't cook and then wait til 7:30 pm and although dad has tried he never gets home til then. So today I am doing the cooking after 7:00 pm. and we will eat together. Imagine taking almost three years to figure this out. Oh I feel so smart! I am thinking if ya all can't figure your life out don't wait three years, drink martinis, call AAA, not AA!
I was so moved by Gretchen's e-mail I copied and pasted it to Barak Obama' WEB.
Well I just couldn't read it and not do something constructive with it. It actually fit in too which was surprising. Of course the names where omitted where appropriate....Here it comes flat at ya!
I thought I would share this with you guys...it was something that opened my eyes a little.I had a pt yesterday that just returned from redeployment. It was his 1st deployment and he was gone for 14 months. His recent work ups and appointments indicate that he has a lot of traumatic brain injury that he is currently suffering from and was recently started on some medications to help stabilize his condition. Yesterday after an episode occurred, I started reading through is charts to get the pt's history and found that I almost cried at least 5 times. (If I wasn't in a professional setting I probably would have lost it). It stated that he had a episode where an IED blew up and hit a bunch of Iraqi children playing outside. The pt ran over and grabbed one of them and starting running with the child. Since the episode the pt stated that he was unable to get rid of the blood and fumes of the child he was carrying. He has tried incense and many other medications but it won't go away. He has terrible flashbacks and nightmares at night and most mornings he wakes up on the floor. His wife approaches him slowly and places a pillow under his head. His story in his chart stated that the pt started crying when he said, "my son looked at me and said he gets scared to be around me in my sleep because I talk, scream things and use my arms violently." It also stated that the pt was unable to eat at restaurants because when he hears children screaming he starts having panic attacks that cause him to loose vision and black out.
Yesterday he went into behavioral health and started acting really strange. He was escorted over to the clinic and when he was evaluated by us, he didn't know his name and it took him 1-2 mins (not an exaggeration) to answer any questions. He had a very blank look on his face and many times he would get very angry and just want to run off. We had to DRK him (send him out via ambulance) and when we put him on the lift to bring him out he immediately tried ripping everything off of him, including his IV .He kept saying that he needed to get away and that he didn't understand why his battle buddy left him. ------ and I kept talking to him telling him he was in --------, Germany and not Iraq. He did not understand it and said he was in a Humvee. At times he would seem to snap back into reality and say slowing that he was in Germany. When the doctor came to escort him via ambulance he was given a tranquilizer to help him sleep. Before he went to sleep he said VERY slowly, "I just don't want to bother, harm or hurt anyone or myself." It was super sad...and it maybe hard to believe from the story but he was the sweetest guy ever.His history stated that before the deployment he was normal. There was a quote from his wife that he never did any of the things he does today. I know everyone reacts to different situations and copes with things differently but it blows my mind how much this person changed in the past year from his experiences.I talked to ------- (the other nurse who worked with me) about the situation for a long time after the pt was put in the ambulance. I told her that I was very impressed with her during the situation. She stayed right by the bedside the ENTIRE time, holding his hand. I told her at times I was scared he was going to hit me or try to become physical. ------- was an active duty nurse and served in Iraq in the ICU for 10 months in 2005. She too suffered severely from PTSD and she really was able to relate to this patient. ----- shared some stories with me...the pt's she took care of an the things she did. It broke my heart to hear some of the events that took place. She too gets very anxious and sweaty when she hears children crying. However, she has come a long long way since the deployment and she gave me hope that this soldier will one day be back to normal with some help. She said yesterday, "I never ever thought I could go back to nursing again. Right now I am fulfilling a dream I never thought was possible, and I hope to one day make it back to the ICU." She has been working at the clinic since -------, she was my ---------- for a long time and I think she is one of the most fantastic nurses I have ever worked with. I realize more and more how lucky I am.
I ask to explore more into the research on PTSD. In 1943 Maslow identified Heirachy of Needs. It is interesting but he sited "Safety" as a primary psychological need. Google Maslow.
I think I am on to something.
I am still waiting for AA... Triple A jumped my car! AA is still unavailable. Guess no one reads my Blog, Huh?
Well it was "date nite" last night and Dad took me to Christian's Bistro in Plover and dinner was amazing. The martinis were sipped with six cheeses and the wine with dinner was extraordinaire. We actually spent almost three hours at dinner. We even went Creme Brule' for dessert.
As an old married couple of 34 years we talked a little about what bugged us about the other. I came up with "I eat alone every night cuz I can't cook and then wait til 7:30 pm and although dad has tried he never gets home til then. So today I am doing the cooking after 7:00 pm. and we will eat together. Imagine taking almost three years to figure this out. Oh I feel so smart! I am thinking if ya all can't figure your life out don't wait three years, drink martinis, call AAA, not AA!
I was so moved by Gretchen's e-mail I copied and pasted it to Barak Obama' WEB.
Well I just couldn't read it and not do something constructive with it. It actually fit in too which was surprising. Of course the names where omitted where appropriate....Here it comes flat at ya!
I thought I would share this with you guys...it was something that opened my eyes a little.I had a pt yesterday that just returned from redeployment. It was his 1st deployment and he was gone for 14 months. His recent work ups and appointments indicate that he has a lot of traumatic brain injury that he is currently suffering from and was recently started on some medications to help stabilize his condition. Yesterday after an episode occurred, I started reading through is charts to get the pt's history and found that I almost cried at least 5 times. (If I wasn't in a professional setting I probably would have lost it). It stated that he had a episode where an IED blew up and hit a bunch of Iraqi children playing outside. The pt ran over and grabbed one of them and starting running with the child. Since the episode the pt stated that he was unable to get rid of the blood and fumes of the child he was carrying. He has tried incense and many other medications but it won't go away. He has terrible flashbacks and nightmares at night and most mornings he wakes up on the floor. His wife approaches him slowly and places a pillow under his head. His story in his chart stated that the pt started crying when he said, "my son looked at me and said he gets scared to be around me in my sleep because I talk, scream things and use my arms violently." It also stated that the pt was unable to eat at restaurants because when he hears children screaming he starts having panic attacks that cause him to loose vision and black out.
Yesterday he went into behavioral health and started acting really strange. He was escorted over to the clinic and when he was evaluated by us, he didn't know his name and it took him 1-2 mins (not an exaggeration) to answer any questions. He had a very blank look on his face and many times he would get very angry and just want to run off. We had to DRK him (send him out via ambulance) and when we put him on the lift to bring him out he immediately tried ripping everything off of him, including his IV .He kept saying that he needed to get away and that he didn't understand why his battle buddy left him. ------ and I kept talking to him telling him he was in --------, Germany and not Iraq. He did not understand it and said he was in a Humvee. At times he would seem to snap back into reality and say slowing that he was in Germany. When the doctor came to escort him via ambulance he was given a tranquilizer to help him sleep. Before he went to sleep he said VERY slowly, "I just don't want to bother, harm or hurt anyone or myself." It was super sad...and it maybe hard to believe from the story but he was the sweetest guy ever.His history stated that before the deployment he was normal. There was a quote from his wife that he never did any of the things he does today. I know everyone reacts to different situations and copes with things differently but it blows my mind how much this person changed in the past year from his experiences.I talked to ------- (the other nurse who worked with me) about the situation for a long time after the pt was put in the ambulance. I told her that I was very impressed with her during the situation. She stayed right by the bedside the ENTIRE time, holding his hand. I told her at times I was scared he was going to hit me or try to become physical. ------- was an active duty nurse and served in Iraq in the ICU for 10 months in 2005. She too suffered severely from PTSD and she really was able to relate to this patient. ----- shared some stories with me...the pt's she took care of an the things she did. It broke my heart to hear some of the events that took place. She too gets very anxious and sweaty when she hears children crying. However, she has come a long long way since the deployment and she gave me hope that this soldier will one day be back to normal with some help. She said yesterday, "I never ever thought I could go back to nursing again. Right now I am fulfilling a dream I never thought was possible, and I hope to one day make it back to the ICU." She has been working at the clinic since -------, she was my ---------- for a long time and I think she is one of the most fantastic nurses I have ever worked with. I realize more and more how lucky I am.
I ask to explore more into the research on PTSD. In 1943 Maslow identified Heirachy of Needs. It is interesting but he sited "Safety" as a primary psychological need. Google Maslow.
I think I am on to something.
Monday, June 8, 2009
I am waiting for AA
I was on time today. even for my standards "early" and then I went to the realization that dad had left my car door open on Friday so now I await AA to come and jump my battery. Dad apologized and thought I could jump my car myself with the little "jumper" in the garage but I told him if I knew what I was doing it would be a different story...getting dead would be something for him to come home to... No Fried Chicken only fried wife... I am waiting for AA. Also I do not know the drill to jumping a hybrid. So I will Blog ya al instead.
I put up the "Chickens' which Deb told me are actually Roosters (Who Knew ) and then some shades in the Living Room. The shades look quite "dorky". My next project is to pull the carpet out of the living room. But Dad warned me to slow down. Seems he is still stuck on the dorky shades.
Wwent to Duluth last weekend and the wind blew the waves all weekend so we didn't get out on the pontoon. It was Meg, Mike, Greg, Greg's Annalise and dad. We had a fun couple of days. We went in to Duluth For Ricky's grad party. Stayed until late and dad was the DD and got us all home safely. Fun time.
Well this will be shorter rather than longer cuz I am late for work. Have a great time in London. Don't miss the free things like the tele tubies at Harrods and the World Market there too.
London Bridge is not falling down. Mary Poppins would be a great film to see before going.
I put up the "Chickens' which Deb told me are actually Roosters (Who Knew ) and then some shades in the Living Room. The shades look quite "dorky". My next project is to pull the carpet out of the living room. But Dad warned me to slow down. Seems he is still stuck on the dorky shades.
Wwent to Duluth last weekend and the wind blew the waves all weekend so we didn't get out on the pontoon. It was Meg, Mike, Greg, Greg's Annalise and dad. We had a fun couple of days. We went in to Duluth For Ricky's grad party. Stayed until late and dad was the DD and got us all home safely. Fun time.
Well this will be shorter rather than longer cuz I am late for work. Have a great time in London. Don't miss the free things like the tele tubies at Harrods and the World Market there too.
London Bridge is not falling down. Mary Poppins would be a great film to see before going.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Dad's Back from his man trip
Yesterday Meg, Greg, Mike and I found dad at the MSP airport on time and ready to be home! He was returning from the Gettysburg-Appalachian Adventure with five other guys and a week in the wilderness complete with day hikes and campfires I think. He hasn't been awake long enuf to tell me much. He got the real gastro flu the first two days and avoided a big rattlesnake and brought me a piucture of St. Barbara. I think he was happy to find one Barbara was a saint...It isn't something I own, I guess.
I avoided my Jury Duty duty last month and I just called Ron to say it was nice to have him home and he sounds sick again. Admits to a sore throat and so I am making him some white chili for dinner. We didn't have a great reunion last night cuz he was too tired for words. He slept for 1 hour and 36 minutes driving home. Of course I drove. Guess I will read his journal and get up to speed about the adventure.
My weekend in MSp would have been better with Gretchen but it sounds to me like she and Josh had a pretty good weekend altogether. I am so happy they have been reunited.
I avoided my Jury Duty duty last month and I just called Ron to say it was nice to have him home and he sounds sick again. Admits to a sore throat and so I am making him some white chili for dinner. We didn't have a great reunion last night cuz he was too tired for words. He slept for 1 hour and 36 minutes driving home. Of course I drove. Guess I will read his journal and get up to speed about the adventure.
My weekend in MSp would have been better with Gretchen but it sounds to me like she and Josh had a pretty good weekend altogether. I am so happy they have been reunited.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Josh is in Germany...Gretchen is Complete!
Hello Josh and Gretch,
Hoorah for the beauty of Toby Keith and reuniting. I will worry less about two of my five children now that I have solace in knowing, I was alone last week as Ron went his "City Slicker" cowpokes to Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry etc and day hikes in the Appliachians. When we would call it always went to voice mail as ny phone is new with a "learning curve" beyond my capabilities. Anyway the explorers ran into a real live rattlesnake and Ron left it on the a Voice Mail message with just enuf detail to make me shudder. Longest time I sustained goose-bumps too.
No way am I trying to compare my week with Gret's German Adventure however. I am glad to have you two together.
Meg and I are going to TJ's. I am here to collect dad tomorrow and love everyone forever.
Hoorah for the beauty of Toby Keith and reuniting. I will worry less about two of my five children now that I have solace in knowing, I was alone last week as Ron went his "City Slicker" cowpokes to Gettysburg, Harper's Ferry etc and day hikes in the Appliachians. When we would call it always went to voice mail as ny phone is new with a "learning curve" beyond my capabilities. Anyway the explorers ran into a real live rattlesnake and Ron left it on the a Voice Mail message with just enuf detail to make me shudder. Longest time I sustained goose-bumps too.
No way am I trying to compare my week with Gret's German Adventure however. I am glad to have you two together.
Meg and I are going to TJ's. I am here to collect dad tomorrow and love everyone forever.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Gretchen is breaking my heart!

Gretchen I read your Meg part to Meg and cried like a baby. Meg's said, "Mom I didn't think you even liked Gretchen."
If I could come over in one month I would be there but Michael's Graduation from LAX is the 16th of May and I also figured out I wasn't getting you home either. I did go on line yesterday and there are flights from CWA to Frankfort for under $400 if you fly ten days out. Got to have dad home to make sure Yo Yo does not dessert.
Dad leaves in the morning with Grandpa to Jane's in Louisville. They are driving and will return Sunday. I may go to Bear Island or stain the deck. I lead a very exciting life. And "Yes" I was invited but I figure this gives Mel and Ron great time together. I drove with them as a backseat driver to the Brewer's Opening Game last Friday and they sure cannot be faulted for the constant banter. (Men)
Meg and Greg came home for Easter and we got visited by a Flying Squirrel on the back porch Saturday Night. (It helps to have a back porch ten feet off the ground in the woods sometimes.)
He was so cute and actually flew 30 feet when Greg came out. Greg is pretty scary!
Although I am not having any luck, I am watching for him every night now. He was on the bird feeder. The web site is www.flyingsquirrels.com This little guy was simply amazing. It is interesting reading too.
I miss you more than a flying squirrel.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Mom the Moaner
Debbie Downer jus' meet Mom the Moaner and frankly I would like to wring the necks of Gretchen's hiking companions. (Enuf blogged)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Mom's Here!
So you have figured it out Gretchen. (I hope your love letters are on the way.) I am very proud of you and the adventure you are on. I know it is hard for you to be so far away from Josh and not working. (Home alone for the most part) I know how important your family and friends are to you too. Remember you can come home if for a weekend or a week. We spoke of this on the phone and you pooh-poohed it and that is good. You have a contingency plan which I or your dad would never feed you any guilt about. Meantime you do sound happy and you are on an amazing adventure and you will someday be our age and you will remember these 20 something years more fondly if you remain on the fabulous adventure. I love you!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
I read your blog......Ron
I read your blog! Your 26 reasons were great. I will start thinking about 26 items for me....but it might take awhile. Since I under
stand Meg made these rules....I wonder if the average per family is 26 ....meaning of course I would only need to come up with 21(taking credit for Meg's excesses.) Anyway I will THINK ABOUT IT. Its great hearing about you and Josh's adventures and the way you both have embraced this opportunity. Josh you are going to do great....my only advise is to take full advantage of the experience of every member of the platoon. You are in my prayers always. Have fun today with each other. Love DAD

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Saturday Nite @ The Amery's
Hello from Madison. This is Deb. Your mother is trying to teach me how to post on a blog. A skill I have yet to develop.
Our two guys are at the Badger Hockey game with Cate & Nate. Cate got the tickets for her Dad for Christmas & then called Ron to see if he would come for the game. That leaves your Mom & I sitting here with the "Classic Country Music" channel on & having a few libations. We have yet to hit the "crying in our beer" stage so might as well take this opportunity to give you a hard time. I do so love to tease you.
I just read your "26 Things About Me" blog. I received Meg's "31 Things" a couple of days ago. I think you both did a great job but you need to get a bit more honest with me!! Way to nice. Come on, there has to be some deep, dark aspects to the two of you that you did not fess up to. I believe Gretchen that you forgot to mention almost laying me out up at the cabin with that well placed punch to the solarplexus.
And Miss Meg, now let me see, what secret do I know about her?? So many to choose from, which should it be? That great swimmer who actually had to be dragged to swim practice in Biloxi, kicking & screaming. Who knew she would end up being the Swim Captain at Valpo. Wow, I am really having to stretch when I depend on your Mom to give me secrets!
Oh, wait, Gretchen, you forgot to tell everyone how much you "LOVED" your new baby brother when he came along. I do believe I watched you sneak around his highchair in Biloxi, only to give him a well placed pinch. The best part was the look of total innocence on you face when I asked you why you did that. Your reply was "What? I didn't do anything." Of course Mr. Mike was so busy stuffing oatmeal in his face. I think he was more angry about having to pause in his eating to scream. I still laugh about the picture he made in that high chair. He had his spoon clutched in one hand & was using the other hand to scoop the oatmeal in his mouth. What a pair you two were.
You both forgot to mention your life aspirations when you were children. You, if I remember correctly, were going to have 27 children. Of course you had no desire to have a husband, just children. When asked how you were going to take care of so many children, your response was, "I am going to live at home and my Mom will help me." Meg was going to be a nurse, just like her Mom. So my question to you is this, Meg actually followed through. Are you still going for the 27? I will have to say, you did quite well on the husband end. Josh seems like a pretty good guy. Not sure if he can handle 27 little people but I am sure he can handle a few.
So now that I have teased you enough I need to let you know, you keep sending me the wrong e-mail address. I sent you all of Bill's & my contact info for your resume & it keeps coming back as "undeliverable". Let me know if you still want it. We would both be happy to be contacted.
Now, I am going back to drinking more beer & doing less blogging. In fact, maybe blogging & drinking beer don't mix. One more item. Go back to your blog on the "Things About Me". I have just one very small correction. On your condiments comment you said you eat them in "access". Now Gretch, I do believe you meant.....Excess.
Our two guys are at the Badger Hockey game with Cate & Nate. Cate got the tickets for her Dad for Christmas & then called Ron to see if he would come for the game. That leaves your Mom & I sitting here with the "Classic Country Music" channel on & having a few libations. We have yet to hit the "crying in our beer" stage so might as well take this opportunity to give you a hard time. I do so love to tease you.
I just read your "26 Things About Me" blog. I received Meg's "31 Things" a couple of days ago. I think you both did a great job but you need to get a bit more honest with me!! Way to nice. Come on, there has to be some deep, dark aspects to the two of you that you did not fess up to. I believe Gretchen that you forgot to mention almost laying me out up at the cabin with that well placed punch to the solarplexus.
And Miss Meg, now let me see, what secret do I know about her?? So many to choose from, which should it be? That great swimmer who actually had to be dragged to swim practice in Biloxi, kicking & screaming. Who knew she would end up being the Swim Captain at Valpo. Wow, I am really having to stretch when I depend on your Mom to give me secrets!
Oh, wait, Gretchen, you forgot to tell everyone how much you "LOVED" your new baby brother when he came along. I do believe I watched you sneak around his highchair in Biloxi, only to give him a well placed pinch. The best part was the look of total innocence on you face when I asked you why you did that. Your reply was "What? I didn't do anything." Of course Mr. Mike was so busy stuffing oatmeal in his face. I think he was more angry about having to pause in his eating to scream. I still laugh about the picture he made in that high chair. He had his spoon clutched in one hand & was using the other hand to scoop the oatmeal in his mouth. What a pair you two were.
You both forgot to mention your life aspirations when you were children. You, if I remember correctly, were going to have 27 children. Of course you had no desire to have a husband, just children. When asked how you were going to take care of so many children, your response was, "I am going to live at home and my Mom will help me." Meg was going to be a nurse, just like her Mom. So my question to you is this, Meg actually followed through. Are you still going for the 27? I will have to say, you did quite well on the husband end. Josh seems like a pretty good guy. Not sure if he can handle 27 little people but I am sure he can handle a few.
So now that I have teased you enough I need to let you know, you keep sending me the wrong e-mail address. I sent you all of Bill's & my contact info for your resume & it keeps coming back as "undeliverable". Let me know if you still want it. We would both be happy to be contacted.
Now, I am going back to drinking more beer & doing less blogging. In fact, maybe blogging & drinking beer don't mix. One more item. Go back to your blog on the "Things About Me". I have just one very small correction. On your condiments comment you said you eat them in "access". Now Gretch, I do believe you meant.....Excess.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Yikes Gretchen! I left a crock pot recipe on this blog after the Schnitzels so I am telling you to read it! Your Super Bowl party just became a Supper Bowl party. I challenge all you readers to top yours truly's Crock Pot Rubens...Also want to know why more of you have not pushed the button to create your own Blog...I read Carly's today. I was so entertained.
Also on I my list of To-Dos is to read Meg's Facebook. Seems she did the first and most original "31 things I love about Me." Of all the strange things Ron read it. Ron usually doesn't have time get on line. He gave it rave reviews and said she was very funny. And no he has not read Gretchen's. Melvin took us to dinner last night at a new place for us, old place for Wisc. Rapids called the Baker Street Inn and we had deep fried pickle spears with ranch dressing as an appetizer. Awesome and who knew?
Also on I my list of To-Dos is to read Meg's Facebook. Seems she did the first and most original "31 things I love about Me." Of all the strange things Ron read it. Ron usually doesn't have time get on line. He gave it rave reviews and said she was very funny. And no he has not read Gretchen's. Melvin took us to dinner last night at a new place for us, old place for Wisc. Rapids called the Baker Street Inn and we had deep fried pickle spears with ranch dressing as an appetizer. Awesome and who knew?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Gretchen is being a DW
Hello 2nd Lt. and Mrs. Rud,
Gretchen and I "skype today" She sounds ready to conquer Germany and has not bought a ticket to fly home on Feb 4th after Josh deploys (I will send money! Hope I am kidding) and the job pans out to were she will be busy during the day and painting walls during the weekends. I may have to get there with brushes and drop clothes. Yikes.
Wisconsin is in a deep freeze today at negative something. The power is out at the Technical college and otherwise we are all surviving. Real Estate not taking any of my extra time so it is nice to have "skype time".
Greg is living in, how did Meg put it once a long time ago, (?) in Minnie HaHa..the good news is Meg sounds happier than I have heard her. (Maybe I jus' made this up in order to feed my Mommy Worries Less Quota.) They are both at Bedford and Greg empty a truck load of NY Boxes in our basement before proceeding to MSP. I am going to have a huge Garage Sale any day now. Need air fare for Germany!
Sunday is the Super Bowl and I am proud to know I do not know who is playing but I will be ready for the commercials. I just googled commercials and Super Bowl and got a preview.
I am so easily amused
Gretchen and I "skype today" She sounds ready to conquer Germany and has not bought a ticket to fly home on Feb 4th after Josh deploys (I will send money! Hope I am kidding) and the job pans out to were she will be busy during the day and painting walls during the weekends. I may have to get there with brushes and drop clothes. Yikes.
Wisconsin is in a deep freeze today at negative something. The power is out at the Technical college and otherwise we are all surviving. Real Estate not taking any of my extra time so it is nice to have "skype time".
Greg is living in, how did Meg put it once a long time ago, (?) in Minnie HaHa..the good news is Meg sounds happier than I have heard her. (Maybe I jus' made this up in order to feed my Mommy Worries Less Quota.) They are both at Bedford and Greg empty a truck load of NY Boxes in our basement before proceeding to MSP. I am going to have a huge Garage Sale any day now. Need air fare for Germany!
Sunday is the Super Bowl and I am proud to know I do not know who is playing but I will be ready for the commercials. I just googled commercials and Super Bowl and got a preview.
I am so easily amused
Friday, January 16, 2009
Gretchen and Josh Go To Market (Oink Oink)
So today I got Ron on the phone with Gretch at 5:30 am and Josh and Gretch were boarding a bus to The World Market. Then Josh's phone rings for Gretchen, Josh talks to Ron and Gretchen has a nursing job interview ON BASE next week. (Oh be still my heart...This mom would love it if Gretchen could find a position on base...infact I wouldn't mind her finding no position and making cookies and then eating all of them and then coming home when Josh returns from deployment as she is really, really fatt. Well that is a fairy tale!
Gretchen and Josh sound really good. I heard all her black dishes came in pieces along with her picture frames, monkey salt and peppers, but their two wine cork screws were intact so she is cooking for friends this weekend c wine. Didn't know you could do grilled peanut butter sandwiches sit down with paper cups and Riesling. (Be warned I hope you are not using Minnesota's finest salmonella tainted P B & J.)
So dad and I have been up since the wee hours of the morning and it kinda feels like taking care of HS ear infections (which Gretchen always had) or croup which was Meg except that I was the only one who got up and dad slept soundly way back then.. Anyway dad thought tonoc was Clint Eastwood's Toranado (?) and tomorrow is Wall-E with Grandpa. Can you tell football is winding down. Can you tell I don't care what the name of the movie is as long as Clint is there?
The US Airways hitting the Hudson River without causalities is the first world miracle of 2009. Hope all stay warm this weekend and safe, sound and feel the LOVE.
Gretchen and Josh sound really good. I heard all her black dishes came in pieces along with her picture frames, monkey salt and peppers, but their two wine cork screws were intact so she is cooking for friends this weekend c wine. Didn't know you could do grilled peanut butter sandwiches sit down with paper cups and Riesling. (Be warned I hope you are not using Minnesota's finest salmonella tainted P B & J.)
So dad and I have been up since the wee hours of the morning and it kinda feels like taking care of HS ear infections (which Gretchen always had) or croup which was Meg except that I was the only one who got up and dad slept soundly way back then.. Anyway dad thought tonoc was Clint Eastwood's Toranado (?) and tomorrow is Wall-E with Grandpa. Can you tell football is winding down. Can you tell I don't care what the name of the movie is as long as Clint is there?
The US Airways hitting the Hudson River without causalities is the first world miracle of 2009. Hope all stay warm this weekend and safe, sound and feel the LOVE.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wiener Schnitzel
Not to be confused with Wienerschnitzel, an American restaurant chain.
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiener Schnitzel (from German Wiener Schnitzel, meaning Viennese cutlet) is a traditional Austrian dish and popular part of Viennese and Austrian cuisine, consisting of a thin slice of veal coated in breadcrumbs and fried. In Austria the dish is traditionally served with a lemon slice, lingonberry jam and either potato salad or potatoes with parsley and butter. While traditional Wiener Schnitzel is made out of veal, it is now sometimes made out of pork, though in that case it is often called Schnitzel Wiener Art (Germany) or Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein (Austria) to differentiate it from the original. The dish may have originated in Milan, northern Italy, as cotoletta alla milanese, and may have appeared in Vienna during the 15th or 16th century. According to another theory, it was introduced by Field Marshal Radetzky, who spent much of his life in Milan, in 1857. The term "Wiener Schnitzel" itself dates to at least 1862.
Hello Gretchen and Josh,
So I thought perhaps you needed a little education on the food fare of the area. and soon I will explore gingersnaps and Sour Bratten. But today here comes one of Gretchen's favorites. And I hope her crock pot wasn't a casuality of shipment arrivial. (Hint a 225 degree oven left on all night is a BIG crock pot...
Slow Cooker Reuben Sandwiches
(Easy enough to make for a weeknight meal or a friendly Oktoberfest gathering. Bring on the beer and the oompah band!)
Prep Time: 15 min
Total Time: 11 hours 15 min
Makes: 8 sandwiches
1 package (2 pounds) refrigerated sauerkraut
1 package (2 to 3 pounds) corned beef brisket
16 slices pumpernickel rye bread, toasted
8 slices (1 ounce each) Swiss cheese
Total Time: 1 hour 5 min
1. Place sauerkraut in 3- to 4-quart slow cooker. Place beef brisket on sauerkraut. (If brisket includes packet of spices, sprinkle spices over brisket.)
2. Cover and cook on Low heat setting 9 to 11 hours.
3. Remove beef from cooker; place on cutting board. Cut beef into slices. To serve, spread 1 tablespoon dressing on each toast slice. Using slotted spoon to remove sauerkraut from cooker, top 8 slices toast with 1/2 cup sauerkraut each. Top sauerkraut with beef slices and cheese slice. Top with remaining toast. This is when I like to grill but this is optional
Serve With German Potatoe Salad which I can tell you another day how to do in the microwave.
These sandwiches cry out for a good garlic dill pickle, purchased German potato salad or crunchy potato chips and a side of deli slaw.
To make this a portable potluck sandwich, stir the sliced beef into the sauerkraut. Place the dressing in a squeeze bottle (like for ketchup), and set out a basket of rye buns and smaller slices of Swiss cheese to make it easy for guests to make their own sandwiches.
Nutrition Information:
1 Serving: Calories 540 (Calories from Fat 315 ); Total Fat 35 g (Saturated Fat 12 g); Cholesterol 110 mg; Sodium 2390 mg; Total Carbohydrate 33 g (Dietary Fiber 6 g); Protein 29 g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 6 %; Vitamin C 14 %; Calcium 36 %; Iron 26 % Exchanges: 2 Starch; 1 Vegetable; 3 High-Fat Meat; 1 Fat *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Not to be confused with Wienerschnitzel, an American restaurant chain.
Wiener Schnitzel
Wiener Schnitzel (from German Wiener Schnitzel, meaning Viennese cutlet) is a traditional Austrian dish and popular part of Viennese and Austrian cuisine, consisting of a thin slice of veal coated in breadcrumbs and fried. In Austria the dish is traditionally served with a lemon slice, lingonberry jam and either potato salad or potatoes with parsley and butter. While traditional Wiener Schnitzel is made out of veal, it is now sometimes made out of pork, though in that case it is often called Schnitzel Wiener Art (Germany) or Wiener Schnitzel vom Schwein (Austria) to differentiate it from the original. The dish may have originated in Milan, northern Italy, as cotoletta alla milanese, and may have appeared in Vienna during the 15th or 16th century. According to another theory, it was introduced by Field Marshal Radetzky, who spent much of his life in Milan, in 1857. The term "Wiener Schnitzel" itself dates to at least 1862.
Hello Gretchen and Josh,
So I thought perhaps you needed a little education on the food fare of the area. and soon I will explore gingersnaps and Sour Bratten. But today here comes one of Gretchen's favorites. And I hope her crock pot wasn't a casuality of shipment arrivial. (Hint a 225 degree oven left on all night is a BIG crock pot...
Slow Cooker Reuben Sandwiches
(Easy enough to make for a weeknight meal or a friendly Oktoberfest gathering. Bring on the beer and the oompah band!)
Prep Time: 15 min
Total Time: 11 hours 15 min
Makes: 8 sandwiches
1 package (2 pounds) refrigerated sauerkraut
1 package (2 to 3 pounds) corned beef brisket
16 slices pumpernickel rye bread, toasted
8 slices (1 ounce each) Swiss cheese
Total Time: 1 hour 5 min
1. Place sauerkraut in 3- to 4-quart slow cooker. Place beef brisket on sauerkraut. (If brisket includes packet of spices, sprinkle spices over brisket.)
2. Cover and cook on Low heat setting 9 to 11 hours.
3. Remove beef from cooker; place on cutting board. Cut beef into slices. To serve, spread 1 tablespoon dressing on each toast slice. Using slotted spoon to remove sauerkraut from cooker, top 8 slices toast with 1/2 cup sauerkraut each. Top sauerkraut with beef slices and cheese slice. Top with remaining toast. This is when I like to grill but this is optional
Serve With German Potatoe Salad which I can tell you another day how to do in the microwave.
These sandwiches cry out for a good garlic dill pickle, purchased German potato salad or crunchy potato chips and a side of deli slaw.
To make this a portable potluck sandwich, stir the sliced beef into the sauerkraut. Place the dressing in a squeeze bottle (like for ketchup), and set out a basket of rye buns and smaller slices of Swiss cheese to make it easy for guests to make their own sandwiches.
Nutrition Information:
1 Serving: Calories 540 (Calories from Fat 315 ); Total Fat 35 g (Saturated Fat 12 g); Cholesterol 110 mg; Sodium 2390 mg; Total Carbohydrate 33 g (Dietary Fiber 6 g); Protein 29 g Percent Daily Value*: Vitamin A 6 %; Vitamin C 14 %; Calcium 36 %; Iron 26 % Exchanges: 2 Starch; 1 Vegetable; 3 High-Fat Meat; 1 Fat *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
From Greg
The blog is fun! LOVING IT. Happy birthday again! Glad to see you are keeping up on DA MOVIES. I still recommend Wall-E. You might also like Slumdog MIllionaire, the story of a kid in the slums of India who goes on WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE and starts winning big.
Your Bro Gregry
Your Bro Gregry
Too Cold for Yoyo
Yikes, the weather is frightful and the fire delightful. Got up and got going this morn and plans are to take grandpa to dinner. I'll bet you are all wishing you could come.
I am heading home to read my Greg Birthday Books. Think I will start with "Forever Liesel"
Hope all is well in Germany and wherever you are.
I am heading home to read my Greg Birthday Books. Think I will start with "Forever Liesel"
Hope all is well in Germany and wherever you are.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
It's Late
I am still awake and thinking Josh and Gretchen are just getting up so I will write. It is 11:30 pm in Wisconsin Rapids and the fireplace has been a Godsend tonoc. It is freezing. Dad is asleep. We tuned to Leverage tonoc and Bones. Think we found new entertainment. Well it is cheaper than a movie. (I was watching Jay and Mickey Rourke was on. He is pretty scarry.)
Dad was listing the top ten movies of 2008 and of them we saw one in Benjamin Buttons, This leaves me to "Flex" 1)Wall-E, (Greg recommended this once a long time ago, 2.) Happy-Go-Lucky, 3.)Milk (which hasn't been here yet, 4.)The Dark Knight where I see Heath Ledger took the Globe, 5.) Slumdog Millionaire which I have never heard of, 6.) Rachel Getting Married which I want to see, 7) is Mickey Rourke The Wrestler, 8.) Frost/Nixon, 9.) Waltz with Bashir and 10.) The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons. Guess it is a case of our starting backwards. Of course there also was the premiere of Idol. Craig Kilborne just said more people watched Idol than the moon landing. (Wasn't that in the 60's when the picture tubes were black, white and round?) I liked the new Judge Kaara DeoGardie so shoot me.
Well I am off to tuck myself in...and the bed will be warm!
Dad was listing the top ten movies of 2008 and of them we saw one in Benjamin Buttons, This leaves me to "Flex" 1)Wall-E, (Greg recommended this once a long time ago, 2.) Happy-Go-Lucky, 3.)Milk (which hasn't been here yet, 4.)The Dark Knight where I see Heath Ledger took the Globe, 5.) Slumdog Millionaire which I have never heard of, 6.) Rachel Getting Married which I want to see, 7) is Mickey Rourke The Wrestler, 8.) Frost/Nixon, 9.) Waltz with Bashir and 10.) The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons. Guess it is a case of our starting backwards. Of course there also was the premiere of Idol. Craig Kilborne just said more people watched Idol than the moon landing. (Wasn't that in the 60's when the picture tubes were black, white and round?) I liked the new Judge Kaara DeoGardie so shoot me.
Well I am off to tuck myself in...and the bed will be warm!
Michael is 23 years old on Saturday!
He doesn't want a pink parasol either.
(That's what Greta in the Sound of Music asked for.)
He wants to go see a girl in North Dakota.
Michael is 23 years old on Saturday!
He doesn't want a pink parasol either.
(That's what Greta in the Sound of Music asked for.)
He wants to go see a girl in North Dakota.
New Age
I am an amazing 56 today. For those of you who called, e-mailed, sent gifts and cards I had an amazing birthday too. Life is more and more the people who surround you and then comes the celebration. . . or are you the celebration. Most of you know what I mean.
Spoke with Gretchen at 1:00 PM today and she beat Josh at cribbage last night so she gets to pick the destination for a trip this weekend. I am voting she picks to chase him around the bed becuz I am a worrier and don't want her running around the country side and across borders in a car. I would feel better if she got on a train and went from point A to Point A. It is a mom thing in the world of events.
But I doubt my cribbage winning daughter will give this any consideration. (I am wondering if I was the only one who read the typos in her opening statement.)
Spoke with dad today (as I do everyday) who suggested I quit Real Estate. Where did that come from. Of course the job is dead and I am loving the support. For those who didn't know I did apply for an interview job before Christmas with Health care at dad's job but it doesn't look promising now does it?
Well we got six inches of snow last noc and now we are hitting a cold snap. The wind chill is really low but the fireplace works so nights are warm. Hope all are just as warm.
If anyone wants to "Blog" here I think it is open. Let me know if you cannot.
Otherwise I am not driving to NY as Greg has a BIG rental truck and dad installed a lot of basement shelves this weekend as we have heard we are inheriting more "Stuff." Dad was heard to comment that perhaps Greg could go through and get rid of some of his old stuff and I was about to declare dad as being febrile. We lived in Duluth on Fifth Street in 1993 before I convinced dad to toss his college notes (1975). He just thought one of you (his children) would want to read them one day. I saved a few children politely declining such a generous invitation. Just another reason I am so amazing!
Spoke with Gretchen at 1:00 PM today and she beat Josh at cribbage last night so she gets to pick the destination for a trip this weekend. I am voting she picks to chase him around the bed becuz I am a worrier and don't want her running around the country side and across borders in a car. I would feel better if she got on a train and went from point A to Point A. It is a mom thing in the world of events.
But I doubt my cribbage winning daughter will give this any consideration. (I am wondering if I was the only one who read the typos in her opening statement.)
Spoke with dad today (as I do everyday) who suggested I quit Real Estate. Where did that come from. Of course the job is dead and I am loving the support. For those who didn't know I did apply for an interview job before Christmas with Health care at dad's job but it doesn't look promising now does it?
Well we got six inches of snow last noc and now we are hitting a cold snap. The wind chill is really low but the fireplace works so nights are warm. Hope all are just as warm.
If anyone wants to "Blog" here I think it is open. Let me know if you cannot.
Otherwise I am not driving to NY as Greg has a BIG rental truck and dad installed a lot of basement shelves this weekend as we have heard we are inheriting more "Stuff." Dad was heard to comment that perhaps Greg could go through and get rid of some of his old stuff and I was about to declare dad as being febrile. We lived in Duluth on Fifth Street in 1993 before I convinced dad to toss his college notes (1975). He just thought one of you (his children) would want to read them one day. I saved a few children politely declining such a generous invitation. Just another reason I am so amazing!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Dad's amazing blogging adventure
Gretzky and Josh; Mother assures me I can do this. I have never blogged, been blogged, desired to blog or thought I would blog. But look at me. Its well worth it(if by pure chance you get this). I read your journals Gretch and I second mom's impressions. You guys are facing this head on with the right attitude. I'm not sure it has entirely sunk in that you guys are really over there. I miss you both but it looks like we will be able to stay in close touch. Mother told me she signed up for a phone service to Germany that will allow you to call here with no cost to you. Also I hope that computer thing works out(Skyp?). I'm back at work. The first few days after a vacation are always a little challenging. Greg as you know is making plans for his transfer to Minneapolis. Mother is thinking about driving out to New York to help with some of the material transport back. Final plans haven't been made though. I had to meet with the cancer center administrator today. She asked me about time off in 2009....First on the list is a trip to Germany. As Gretchen knows I am not too good at this emailing thing. Blogging is probably similar. However, maybe I'll get more talkative as I get use to all this technology. Anyway I will sign off now; love you both and have you in my prayers every morning.....DAD
Gretch and Josh,
I am very proud of your putting your arms around eachother and then this amazing (Germany) adventure. Your attitudes are going to haul your butts as far as you could have done with a team of cheerleaders and a full string of offense and defense just like a major team. I love the way you two are teaming this. Kiss eachother real hard. Marriage is a team effort and you two seem to get this.
I am so proud to say I am your mom!
Life has given you lemons and you have made lemonade!
You make me proud and I mean it!
I am very proud of your putting your arms around eachother and then this amazing (Germany) adventure. Your attitudes are going to haul your butts as far as you could have done with a team of cheerleaders and a full string of offense and defense just like a major team. I love the way you two are teaming this. Kiss eachother real hard. Marriage is a team effort and you two seem to get this.
I am so proud to say I am your mom!
Life has given you lemons and you have made lemonade!
You make me proud and I mean it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
I am upset the Army would get my kids to Germany and then think this mom would let Gretchen be sent to the Baumholder 'Solitary Confinement Housing' sans "a lot of sq waking from me."
The point to realize is they knew before all the household articles of personal possession were shipped and the car that if Gretchen returns to the CONUS (continental United State) the articles shipped are abandoned and as they cannot afford to ship them home are property of the Army. It is the PCS orders which allow for shipping expenses to be paid by the Army and as Josh is deployed then Gretchen returns to MSP the wedding gifts, car, etc,etc,etc stay. Sucks big...BIG
I am upset the Army would get my kids to Germany and then think this mom would let Gretchen be sent to the Baumholder 'Solitary Confinement Housing' sans "a lot of sq waking from me."
The point to realize is they knew before all the household articles of personal possession were shipped and the car that if Gretchen returns to the CONUS (continental United State) the articles shipped are abandoned and as they cannot afford to ship them home are property of the Army. It is the PCS orders which allow for shipping expenses to be paid by the Army and as Josh is deployed then Gretchen returns to MSP the wedding gifts, car, etc,etc,etc stay. Sucks big...BIG
Ron and Barb in Rapids
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